Newly Updated 4-12-16
Welcome to the Official Website of the
Long Island Sunrise Trail Chapter
of the
National Railway Historical Society
here for the Nat'l. Railway Historical Society Website.
Our next regularly scheduled meeting will be
Friday-May 20, 2016 at 8:00 p.m.
in Babylon Village at Christ Episcopal Church, 12 Prospect St.
Babylon, Long Island, NY.
PROGRAM--Friday May 20, 2016 Meeting:
Doug Nash will present a program about European railroads
Please check this website for any
cancellation or changes to meeting dates or site
due to dangerous weather conditions or other reasons.
Latest update would be posted by 5 p.m. on the day of the meeting.
The 2016 LIRR Calendars are still available
Please see the order form below to order past year's editions of our LIRR calendar.
They will also be available at our monthly meetings..
2014 , 2013, 2012, 2011 Long Island RR Calendars are still available at $5.00 ea. + shipping
The L.I.S.T. Chapter is proud to announce that we have published a new book called:
The Long-Island Rail-Road Company - A History 1834-1965
by Robert Sturm
The newest hard cover volume to be published by the L.I.S.T. Chapter of the N.R.H.S.!
Author Robert C. Sturm examines the history of the Long Island Rail Road during its period of private ownership. Illustrations included in this volume include the multiple levels of the Flatbush Avenue Terminal and the never built Sunnyside station.
The book is available for purchase now. The retail price is $49.95 plus tax, shipping and handling where applicable.
The LIST Chapter continues their campaign of preserving and presenting the railway history of the Long Island region with the publication of
The photograph collection of the late Harold Fagerberg is almost legendary. After his passing, members of his family donated a portion of his collection to the Long Island Sunrise Trail Chapter which documented the motive power of some of the shortline railroads of Long Island. These images have been coupled with text by former Chapter President Edward M. Koehler Jr. The merger of these pictures along with contributions by other LIST members has formed a new history of these interesting roads.
If you have any interest in the Brooklyn Dock & Terminal Railway, the Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal, the Bush Terminal Railroad, the Degnon Terminal Railroad, the Jay Street Connecting Railroad, the New York Dock Railway, the South Brooklyn Railway, or the trunk line railroads which had facilities on Long Island, you need this volume on your library shelf.
This hardcover book is 8½ by 11 inches in size; it has 124 pages; 128 black and white images, and 18 track diagrams. This book features a laminated color cover and a separate dust jacket.
The retail price is $35 + tax and $3 shipping for non-members.
This book is available at the chapter meetings and directly by mail-order.
A few 2012, 2013 & 2014 LIRR calendars are still available- only $5
The 2010 Penn Station 100th Anniv. commemorative
calendars are still available for $5-
see below to order your copy.
Order form for: ALL BOOKS & 2011 - 2014 LIRR and PENN STATION CALENDARS
Recent past meetings:
If you were unable to attend, here are the outstanding presentations you missed out on . . .
Come on down for our next meeting!
May 2015- John Kilbride presented: “The Albany Funnel”- a historical review of rail operations through New York State’s capital region, and included views of the B&M, D&H and PC freight trains as well as 30 years of passenger trains.
Feb. 2015- Author, transit historian, and retired Long Island Rail Road manager Andrew J. Sparberg presented a slide show about his new book From a Nickel to a Token. The book examines twenty specific events between 1940 and 1968, bookended by subway unification and the MTA’s creation.
Jan 2015- Eliot Courtney shared the pics that he took while he interned for the Metro North Commuter RR during the past summer.
He also gave us an update showing recent action on the Rochester & Southern RR and other action around upstate NY.
George Wybenga also showed a video about the building of a steam locomotive.
Dec 2014- Ed Koehler traveled over portions of the Alaska Railroad and the legendary narrow gauge White Pass and Yukon Route as a part of a cruise vacation. Images taken during this trip were supplemented with photographs from other sources.
Nov 2014- Recently-retired NYCT conductor Vin Benkovitz returned to present another of his very popular freight car and rolling stock shows.
Vin showed us all kinds of freight cars from railroads whose name begins with an �O� and �P� .
Oct 2014- Member Mike Boland put together a fascinating and colorful show on the Long Island Rail Road entitled:
“The LIRR from 1945 to 1970--25 Years of Tumult and Change”.
Sept 2014-Kevin Katta filled in for Mike Boland who was recovering from an illness. Kevin brought along some DVDs
which depicted the railroads along the Hudson River in the 1990's, a look at cabooses and another about the Hellgate Bridge.
Jun 2014- Joe Calisi gave us a tour all around Italy exploring the different railways and points of interest there.
May 2014- John Turkeli appeared once again with a program highlighting the NY & Long Branch in NJ. with K4's & GG-1's ruling the rails.
Apr 2014-The program paid tribute to the former, magnificant, Pennsylvania Station building which used to sit at 7th Av and 33rd St in Manhattan
John Turkeli returned with his presentation about the former Penn Station and it's demise.
We also viewed the PBS special (DVD)- “The Rise and Fall of Penn Station.”
Mar. 2014- Chapter Director and Webmaster Kevin Katta gave a presentation called "50 States in 50 Minutes" which will took us all over the USA, highlighting some of the most spectacular rail images found on the Internet along with some of his own images.
Feb. 2014-
Jan,. 2014- Member Eliot Courtney took us up to the Rochester NY area where he attends college and gave us a look at the rail activity there and all around NY State.
Dec. 2013- Ed Koehler took us for a ride on Colorado's Durango & Silverton, Cumbres and Toltec RR's and did a review of 3 lines that once ran out of Silverton.
He also took highlighted some D&RGW Narrow Gauge equipment.
Nov. 2013- This was our annual Modelers Night meeting. Member Vin Berkovitz gave us a show about freight cars from 1965 to the present (w/ roadnames from M to N).
Oct. 2013-Mark Sullivan returned along with his program highlighting New Jersey Transit's Dual Power Locomotives
with a look back at predecessor locos including AMTRAK's Turbo-liners, FL-9's and others.
Sept 2013- Ed Koehler took us out to Colorado for Pt. 1 of an inside look at the Colorado Narrow Gauge Circle.
Jun. 2013- Noted rail historian, Richard Taylor was invited back to do a presentation on the Lehigh & Hudson River RR.
Along with his own photographic work dating back to the 60s and '70s, he included pics from a few other photographers from the steam era.
May 2013-
Apr 2013-"Trackside Along The Bridge Line�-
John Kilbride put on a slide show on the Delaware & Hudson Railroad, from the early 1980�s into Canadian Pacific ownership.
Mar 2013- Ed Koehler visited each of the electrified branches using a series of black and white images from the late 1940’s to early 1950’s. All of the current electrified lines that were in service by 1955 were discussed including the Whitestone, Central Branch Extension, and Bay Ridge branches
Feb 2013- Well known photographer and LIST member Gene Collora delighted everyone with his amazing LIRR freight presentation.
Jan 2013-
Dec 2012-.
Nov 2012- This was our annual RR modelers showcase where members
brought their favorite model RR
items down for exhibit. Mike Boland spotlighted the LIRR MP-54's during his
Oct 2012- An outstanding program was given by Chapter member Dave Morrison, retired LIRR Port Jeff Branch Line Manager who discussed the history of railroad stations from Hicksville to Port Jefferson and on out to Wading River.
Ed Koehler brightened up the September 2012 meeting with a look back out
East on the LIRR and highlighted many of
the trolley lines that ran in different
towns throughout the Island.
June's presentation was given by Don Fisher, President of the Railroad Museum of Long Island, who showed us the various stages of restoration involved in the preservation of BEDT 0-6-0 # 16 along with a preview of some of the displays at the museum.
May 2012 meeting: Chapter member Elliot Courtney showed us his pics from his recent travels around the Northeast.
April 2012 meeting: Past Prez. (the late)Ben
Young returned with more of the outstanding movies he and his brother took
back in the last days of steam in the Northeast and Midwest.
He also showed us footage from the long gone Third Avenue Railway in NY City.
Mar 2012: Chapter member Leigh Bedia highlighted a number of past Chapter rail trips with his own pics along with some from Ken Katta, Elliot Courtney and Kevin Katta.
Feb. 2012: Junior member John Grocki gave a short presentation on
his Chapter sponsored trip to Steamtown's Railcamp last summer.
Following that, Kevin Katta paid tribute to AMTRAK's 40th Anniv. showing
pics from his collection.
Jan. 2012: Steve Williams, a rail photographer from here on LI, brought down his personal collection of NY City metro area shots from the 70's and '80s. Spuyten Duyvil, Sunnyside Yard, S. Amboy & Hoboken NJ, LIRR, NYCTA and other locations were shown.
monthly meeting is usually held at the Christ Episcopal Church
located in Babylon,
Long Island, three blocks south of the LIRR Babylon station.
We invite you to join our Chapter.
Guests are invited to attend - $1.00 donation requested.
Please, come on down- you won't be disappointed!
Please check this website for any changes to meeting dates due to dangerous weather conditions.
2011 & 2012 LIRR calendars are now $5
2010 marked the 100th anniversary of the opening
of the original Pennsylvania Station in N.Y.
(hope you viewed the special on PBS recently)
The Chapter has produced a calendar to commorate this historic anniversary-
we still have a few left -only $5.00.
The 2012 LIRR and the 2010 Pennsylvania Station 100th Anniversary calendars are still available.
ALL BOOKS & 2014 -2012 LIRR and PENN STATION CALENDAR order form
Long Island Railroad Port Jefferson Branch
by Dave Morrison - Retired Pt Jefferson Branch Mgr. for the LIRR
Published by Arcadia Publishing - Available from
our Chapter for $ 21.99 + shipping and NYS sales tax.
Chapter members can
get a copy at the usual discounted rate.
Jamaica Station -by Dave Morrison - Retired Branch Mgr. for the LIRR
Published by Arcadia Publishing - Available from
our Chapter for $ 21.99 + shipping and NYS sales tax.
Chapter members can
get a copy at the usual discounted rate.
175th Anniversary of the Long Island Railroad: Apr. 24, 2009
The officers and other members of the chapter have published a softcover
book to celebrate
the 175th anniversary of the LIRR, it is a soft-cover book
with LIRR historical articles and photos and is still available by mail order.
The price is now $10.00 which includes shipping and handling. NY State residents
please add $1.55 sales tax.
Supplies are running low so please order your copy now.
The Chapter also has its latest book for sale at
the meetings and by mail order.
The N.Y. Connecting Railroad
The L.I.S.T. Chapter is proud to announce that we
have produced a new book about the
New York Connecting Railroad. This fine book
is still available for sale but supplies are limited.
The retail price is $35.95 + tax and shipping for non-members.
This book is available at the chapter meetings and directly by mail-order.
Click below for a printable mail-order form. We have only 10 copies left!
Congratulations to authors Bill Thom and Bob Sturm for putting together this
fantastic new book. The descriptive content is fascinating, and the quality
of the photos is supurb. This is a must-get book if you haven't already done
so, especially if you are a fan of NY City's railroad history and its development.
Living in Brooklyn for 27 years basically always near the Bay Ridge branch,
I am particularly fond of this branch all the way from Bay Ridge Yard up to and
over the Hell Gate Bridge into the Bronx. Too bad I'm too young to remember
any of the NH or PRR equipment which pounded the rails up there. This book
however, provides a fascinating look back into the activity on the branch.
This book has it all- it covers the development, building and operation of
the NYCRR with plenty of detailed maps, photos, and diagrams. (Director/Webmaster-Kevin
The NYC Transit Museum in Brooklyn has on display the beautifully restored LIRR hack (caboose) # 60. It
is well worth the effort to get in to Brooklyn to see it.
It is located at Boerum Pl. & Schermerhorn St. in Brooklyn, NY 11201
Click here for all info:
NYC Transit Museum
The Long Island - Sunrise Trail Chapter of the National Railway Historical
Society is a group of dedicated railroad enthusiasts who gather regularly
for companionship and fun to preserve and enjoy Long Island's significant
contribution to railroad history, as well as all other aspects of railroading.
The Chapter has monthly meetings at which slides and movies of the Long Island
Rail Road and many other railroads are shown and news of local railroad groups
and items related to railroading are discussed.
The Chapter was instrumental in preserving Long Island
Rail Road steam locomotive #35, built in 1928 by the Pennsylvania Rail Road's
Juniata Shops in Altoona, Pennsylvania as a Class G5 "Ten Wheeler"
4-6-0, and moved to Oyster Bay on Aug 01, 2002. It was one of the two last
steam engines to run in regular revenue service on the LIRR, and the LIST
Chapter supports continuing efforts to restore the engine and return it to
active service for tourist use.
Chapter members were also involved in the restoration of the business car
Jamaica, on display next to the Wantagh Historical Society's preserved
LIRR station on Wantagh Avenue north of the new Wantagh station.
The chapter does provide grants for local rail museums and other railroad
related preservation work.
N.R.H.S. membership information and forms can be
found here:
the N.R.H.S. !
It's a lot easier to join if you come down to our Chapter meeting. You can
fill out an application and submit it there.
Many of the rail trips put together by the officers of the Chapter are for its members only.
Join now so you don't miss out on future events.
We publish a monthly newsletter, the SEMAPHORE,
with meeting notices, previews, and recapitulations, historical vignettes
and feature articles, reminiscences by old-time railroad employees, and railroad
modeling information.
Many thanks to member Steve Torborg who has graciously volunteered to produce
the newsletter.
In the future, we will attempt to offer the Semaphore in electronic form
to be downloaded (virus-free!) from this website by way of a password available only to members
which may ultimately result in a lower Chapter membership fee to those who opt for
the electronic version. Many other organizations are now doing this and it
translates to us offering full color photographs. more content, no printing
and mailing costs and delay and less clutter for your spouses to complain
Archived LIRR related articles previously published in the Semaphore:
(Thanks go out to Steve Lynch):
Most of our trips are open to the public--but LIST members get first crack
if tickets are limited.
Also, members will be able to purchase tickets at a reduced price.
Danbury CT RR Museum and SONO Tower in S. Norwalk, CT
The Chapter sponsored an all-rail trip to the Danbury
CT RR Museum and SONO Tower in S. Norwalk, CT
on Sat. June 9, 2012. Elliot Courtney did a fine job in organizing this wonderful
trip for the 20 members who participated. The trip was very successful despite
the occasional light rain.
LIRR Morris Park Shops and Hillside Facility Nov 2011
NJ TRANSIT MMC Shops Kearny NJ - May 21, 2011
PATH Shop Tour at Harrison NJ - Oct. 30 2010
MTA Coney Island Yard Tour - June 2010
We took a tour of the MTA Coney Island Subway Yards in Brooklyn in June 2010. We toured the shop buildings and the main control tower and we were able to take an up close look at the vintage equipment stored outside near the tower.
SIRT FANTRIP held Sat. June 28, 2008
Staten Island Rapid Transit - Staten Island Railway
- Now retired ALCO S-1's (including ex-LIRR #407)
Consist: R-44s pulled by SIRT ALCO S-1's 821 and 407 plus two hacks. The
round trip excursion ran from St. George Terminal to Tottenville, Staten Island.
A tour of the former B&O Clifton Yard Shops was included. Two SIRT cabooses
were used for the trip back to the terminal.
Click here for:
SIRT: Staten Island Rapid Transit photos and information at NYC
This is a great website for SIRT photos and description of the entire system.
Farewell to the
LIRR M-1's 2006
On Nov. 4th, 2006, the chapter sponsored the "Farewell
to the LIRR M-1's" excursion from Jamaica station.
This rail trip was a final salute to the M-1 electric MU's and covered a portion
of the Main Line, as well as the Far Rockaway, Long Beach, and Port Washington
branches. The train stopped at Penn Station to allow riders to take a lunch
break. the train then continued to the West Side Yard where riders detrained
and photographed the yard and equipment. The excursion also ran out to Garden
City and up to Clinton Av.
Here is LIRR M-1 # 9609 in the lead at West Side Yard.
The M-1 consist is on the ladder in VD yard with # 9609 in the lead. Photos by Chapter member Leigh Bedia.
More LIRR video can be found here: YouTube Video- LIRR Farewell to the M-1'sIn the past, the Chapter has sponsored rail trips around Long Island and elsewhere in the Metropolitan New York area. Some of the most famous trips have been those to the Long Island Rail Road facilities, dinner trips to Montauk and Greenport, and off-island trips on LIRR trains or Metro-North to such distant points such as Danbury, Norwalk and Waterbury Connecticut and to Grand Central Terminal, Poughkeepsie and Harmon Yards in New York. Photo run-bys take place and food service is usually arranged.
At each meeting, we usually hold a raffle for railroad-related
memorabilia. Donations of RR items are welcomed.
Refreshments now available during entire meeting. Guests and potential members
are always welcomed at our monthly meetings.
All we ask for is a $1.00 donation to help cover the cost of the room rental.
The Long Island Sunrise Trail Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society is incorporated as a non-profit 501(C)(3) educational organization. It was founded in 1966 to serve the Long Island area. Membership in the Chapter also provides the full benefits of membership in the national organization, including a splendid bi-monthly magazine, the National Railway Bulletin.
_________________________________________The Chapter meets at 8:00 p.m. on the third Friday
of every month (except July and August) at the
Christ Episcopal Church, basement
hall at
S. Carll Avenue and Prospect Street, Babylon (Long Island), New York.
The Church is located one block south of the big brick village hall
/firehouse/courthouse on West Main Street (a.k.a. State Route 27A, Montauk
Highway, or Merrick Rd.), in Babylon Village off S. Carll Avenue, and only
3 blocks south of the west end of the Babylon station of the
Long Island Rail Road.
Please check this website for any
changes to meeting dates due to dangerous weather conditions.
Long Island is 120 miles long; the west end (Brooklyn and
Queens) is in New York City and is primarily served by the (Metro) New York
Chapter (no Website). The far east end, eastern Suffolk, Riverhead and beyond,
is primarily served by the
Twin Forks Chapter.
The Chapter's email address is:
Our mailing address:
P. O. Box 507
Babylon, New York 11702-0507
Special thanks to Sam Berliner III for previously
hosting the chapter's site and for providing outstanding content.
Here is a link to his information packed website: Sam
Berliner III's Railroad Website
N.R.H.S.- Twin Forks Chapter:
Caboose Art -by George Wybenga:
Long Island Live Steamers: Message Forums, Photos and News:
The Long Island Railroad Forum & Discussion Board:
LIRR Photo Site- Locomotives and Rolling Stock:
So, do you want to know more about the Long Island Railroad and its history?
The LIRR Today NEW!
The Oyster Bay Railroad Museum:
Railroad Museum of Long Island (in Riverhead & Greenport):
Steve Lynch's excellent LIRR historical Sites:
NEW! Here's John LaBoda's
amazing RR website with in-depth information and photos about
LIRR coaches, Parlor and other passenger cars: Passenger
Car Photo Index
LIRR, NY Connecting RR, Steve Lynch and Dave Kellers Archives, Modeling
A must see for hardcore LIRR fans.
Art Huneke's LIRR History Site:
Long Island RR History Site:
LIRR Abandoned Spurs: www.
Phil Goldstein's extensive N.Y. City Terminal RR site :
This site is always under development. Suggestions
and corrections are encouraged and welcomed.
Check back weekly. Thank you for visiting.
LIST Chapter Director and Webmaster- Kevin Katta -email me-