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August 2003 Minutes

NH Railroad Revitalization Association


August 25, 2003





Meeting was called to order by Peter Griffin at 7:15 PM at the Exeter Rail Station.















Peter Griffin


NHRRA - president

Stephen R. Piper



Bob Hall


NHRRA/TrainridersNortheast/Exeter Station Committee (Chair)

Steve Pesci


UNH Campus Planning/TrainridersNortheast/NARP

George Katsakiores


NHRRA/NH State Legislature

Norman Petite


Exeter Station Committee

Peter Méras


Exeter Station Committee

Bob Ritchie


Exeter Station Committee

Chuck Cole


Exeter resident

Judy Cole


Exeter resident



·            Tonight’s meeting was somewhat unconventional as the attendees met informally at the Exeter Rail Station.  Bob Hall gave a brief presentation of the history of the Downeaster’s development and Exeter’s desire to be involved from the very start.  He displayed a panoramic picture of the station site prior to construction to show the magnitude of improvement.  Finally he discussed the town’s potential goals of expanding the parking lot, taking possession of the existing Railway Express building for an interim waiting area with facilities and eventually maybe taking ownership of the original station (now Gerry’s Variety) in its entirety.


·            At 7:30, Amtrak Downeaster train #685 arrived on time to allow 35 + passengers depart.  It was difficult to count as two doors were opened to allow the passengers to get off quickly.  Many of these riders are daily commuters working in Boston.  According to the conductor, the train was very full (leaving Boston with around 300).  This was verified upon inspection through the windows as the train headed north out of town.


·            The group then moved over to Gerry’s Variety for a demonstration of the operation of the Quik-Trak self ticketing machine given by Steve Piper.  The Quik-Trak is often used in non-staffed station locations and is easily accessed with a credit or debit card.  Reservations can be made from scratch at the machine or it can simply print a ticket for a reservation previously made on line or by phone.


·            Everyone then relocated to the Exeter Public Library where Bob Hall had reserved the conference room for the remainder of the meeting.


·            Bob Hall stated that there is a business expo in Hampton scheduled for September 10 where all area chambers of commerce will converge.  This could be a great opportunity to give passenger rail travel some wide exposure and promote its benefits.  Also, businesses might be in the position to provide the 20% match money needed to receive federal money for advertising.  Steve Pesci noted that public entities such as cities and universities cannot specify that public advertising money be directed only towards rail, but must rather be unbiased towards public transportation in general.


·            Bob Hall stressed the need to consider getting commuter rail service to Plaistow.  In order to do this, the state must initiate the project to include a platform and new signals from Bradford, MA to the end of the double track in Plaistow as required by Guilford Rail System.  It is also likely that Guilford will require the upgrade of the second track from the state line.  Bob recommended that three letters of request be generated by the Rockingham Planning Commission and addressed to NNEPRA, Guilford and the Town of Plaistow.


·            Chuck Cole asked about the viability of running express train service as adding another Downeaster stop in Plaistow might further lengthen the trip time.  This might be an option if additional round trips were included in the schedule.


·            September 14 is going to be “Maine Day” at Fenway Park in Boston.  It is expected that there will be considerable ridership on the Downeaster that day.


·            Steve Pesci presented plans and a scale model of a proposed renovation of the Durham Rail Station.  The university has retained an architectural firm which has set forth several design alternatives - none has been accepted as final.  In any event, the desired attributes are an expanded Dairy Bar restaurant with additional inside seating capacity, a separate passenger waiting area inside with vending machines and 24 hour Quik-Trak access and improved access to/from “A” lot.  It is imperative that first impressions be good as this will become a focal point for visitors.  The rail corridor is Durham’s 2nd Main Street.  Steve also mentioned that bus service to Durham by C&J Trailways has been terminated.


·            Steve Pesci requested that NHRRA write a letter of support on behalf of UNH’s 2003 Enhancement Application to restore some of the historic components of the existing station.  Included in this $98,000 proposal are the restoration of the signal semaphore, restoration of slate roof finials and support structures, the reconstruction of two existing wood wheeled luggage carts and the development of informational displays portraying the history of rail service to Durham.


·            Steve Piper mentioned that Amtrak reported record national monthly ridership in July carrying over 2.22 million passengers.


·            The September meeting will be held on the 22nd at a location to be announced.  A meeting notice will be provided prior to the meeting.



Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.



Next meeting:

Monday, September 22 at 7 PM


Minutes by:

Stephen R. Piper


Stephen R. Piper