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NHRRA Meeting - May 20, 2002

                                                Minutes - May 20th NHRRA Meeting




Meeting at Concord Public Library called to order at 7:00 by President Peter Griffin

It was reported that the NHRRA bank account has a balance of $882.06.

Members introduced themselves and welcomed new member Stephen Piper.


George Katsakiores provided a legislative update.


HB 1180 to establish a task force to develop a revenue stream to support multi-modal transportation has been passed in both houses and is awaiting the Governor’s signature.

George stated that the task force would report back to the speaker every six months

The composition of the task force is very diverse with representatives from the areas of economics, government and transportation among others. A representative from NHRRA has been nominated.

The trespassing bill has been tabled for another session

Liability bill has still not come out of committee. This is due to the lobbying efforts of the trial lawyers.


Due to June 3rd rail forum to be conducted by the Northern Line/ M&L task force in Derry, there was much discussion about various aspects of the M&L corridor.

It was suggested that NHRRA encourage DOT to begin thinking about the alternative to the airport tunnel proposed by NH DOT. The proposal entails routing the rail corridor out and around the end of the new Manchester Airport runway.

There was discussion about restoring the double track in Andover, MA so as to accommodate through service to Boston.


Herb Pence reported on a new FRA compliant light rail car that is currently operating in Colorado. It is able to operate on the same track as traditional rail cars.


There was discussion about developing funding sources to provide the 20% federal match.

There were also discussions revolving around the discrepancy between the amount of money from NH going to Washington and the smaller amount coming back for various funding projects.


Concerns were raised about meeting in the same location on a regular basis. The consensus was that NHRRA make a stronger effort to have regional meetings.

This would allow more NHRRA members to attend and to expose the populace to rail revitalization initiatives.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 


The next meeting will be held June 24,7pm Concord Public Library Auditorium, Green Street. Guest speaker will be David Mullen, Economic Development Director, Pease Development Authority    

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