Facebook Page




This group’s main purpose is the discussion of trains operated by Amtrak, either as general system, state supported, or as contracted commuter services.  Discussions on Freight Railroad Operations, Shortlines, Excursion Railroads, Steam Trains, Subways, and Light Rail Operations, as well as various transit operated Monorails throughout the country are welcome.


Multi-Part messaging:


Messages with the same subject line are welcome as long as they indicate that it is a series of messages.  This note must be in parentheses or brackets to the right of the subject line or indicated within the body of the message.


Software Application Attachments:


Attachments are welcome, however they should be limited to those attachments, which do not require an Image Media Displaying System (IMDS) card.  Most Office Software Programs such as Microsoft and Corel Office, Lotus, and various other programs provide corruption-free attachments.




Images and video clips are welcome, however, once again, they should not be in a format that requires an IMDS Card.  IMDS is not available on many computers, which I use to monitor group Activity.  Animated video (.AVI), MPEG (.MPG), Quick Time Movie (.MOV), JPEG (.JPG), Graphical Interchange (.GIF), Audio Interchange (.AIF), Tagged Interchange (.TIF), Windows Media (.WMA), and Windows Movie (.WMV) to name a few.


Please do not send files that have SYS, COM (.com is welcome only if it is a website file), or EXE.


Forwarded Messaging:


This group both as inline text and as attachments accepts forwards.




Cross-Posting (such as the SLO Sunday Reports), from other news boards are welcome, as long as the message reads at the top or bottom that it is a cross-post that was originally posted to other groups.




If you would like to post a tune to the files area, please ensure that it is in .mid, .mp3, .au, or .wav formats.


Calendar Events:


If there is an event you would like added to the group’s calendar, please send it to:, or



Peter Warner

A&T Moderator