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MAP: Click here for a map of Qu�bec Central's network

PICTURES: Click on a thumbnail below to see the full-size picture. These are highly compressed, in order to keep file sizes acceptable. Full-size originals up to 2272 x 1704 pixels are available if you contact me directly by e-mail.

OTHER PICTURES: If you want to see more pictures of Qu�bec Central's network, visit Bernard Babin's website (in French).


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TTCA 1301

The TTCA (Trains Touristiques de Chaudi�re-Appalaches) bought two FP7A from Montr�al's Agence M�tropolitaine des Transports in the beginning of November 2002, for their Tourist operation out of Vall�e Jonction, Qu�bec. Here we see TTCA 1301 waiting on a siding at Vall�e Jonction, MP 100.0 Vall�e Sub.

At the back of the unit is TTCA's FP7A number 1303 acquired for parts and static display at Vall�e Jonction's station.



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