Interstate Commerce Commission Division of Valuation
Manistique & Lake Superior Railroad as of June 30, 1915, 60.069 miles main line, 77.725 miles total all tracks.
Manistique |
Box car body used as switchman�s shanty Station and office building built 1904, 2 � story, frame, shingle roof, 24� x 66�, Outhouse, 4� x 9� x 8�, Furniture, Wood platform Freight house, built 1904, 1 � story, frame, shingle roof, 16� 4� x 45�, platform 24� 6� x 38� and 8� x 14� 50� 100 ton track scale, built 1914, pit concrete, scale house 5� x 11� 6� Shops and engine houses Boiler, machine and blacksmith shop built 1906, 1 story, frame, prepared roof, 30� 6� x 93� and 10�6� x 61�. Engine lathe 43� x 16� (� second hand, 1895 shop No. 1, Engine lathe 22� x 10� hitcomb, Blaie e1l Machine tool Co., second hand, 1912, shop No. 5. Machine shop tools 1 lathe, 1 planer, 1 wheel press, 1 bolt out tar, 1 power hack saw, 1 vertical drill, 1 steam engine, 1 steam boiler, 2 air compressors, new and second hand. 6 stall round house built 1908, frame prepared roof, stalls 64� long, motor car house lean-to 10� x 12�, outhouse 5� x 6� 6� x 8� 54� steel turntable, concrete circle wall Car repairers house, frame, shingle roof, 16� x 20� with box car body addition Sand house, frame, shingle roof, 12� x 20� Carpenter shop, frame, prepared roof, 12� x 30� Boxcar body used as car repair shop. Tool house, frame, 11� x 30� Water station, pump and appurtenances. Coal dock, timber, coal buckets. |
Hiawatha |
Section dwelling, 2 story, frame, shingle roof, 20� 4� x 20� 4�, outhouse 4� x 4� 6� x 6� 6�, section car and tool house, frame, shingle roof, 10� x 12� x 8�. |
Steuben |
Company boarding houses, built 1894, 1 and 2 story, frame, shingle roof, 30� 6� x 40� 9�, 16� 6� x 14� x 20�, out houses 4� x 5� x 7�, chicken houses 9�4� x 18� x 7� & 12� 8� x 18� x #�, drilled well with pumps, section car and tool house, frame, shingle roof 10� x 12� x 8� |
Shingleton |
Passenger and freight depot built 1900, 1 story, frame, shingle roof, 22� 6� x 65�, outhouse 5� x 6�. M & L S RR and D S S & A Ry. 50% ownership each. Section dwelling, 2 story, frame shingle roof, 26' 6� x 32�8�, out house 4� x 5� x 7�, driven well and pump. Section car and tool houses, frame, shingle roof, 10� x 12� x 8�. |
Doty |
Ownership of no items shown for location. |
Telephone |
33.2 miles of pole line complete, average 32 poles per mile. Office apparatus complete including interior wiring and associated lines in 12 telephone offices. |
Equipment M of W |
Hand cars (1 car) Push cars (1 car) Snow plows (1 car) C##iter ballast plow (1 car) Steam shovel, No. 1, 1 � yard, second hand, 1900, wood body and underframe, (1 car). Derrick, No. 2, mounted, wood body and underframe, (1 car). Derrick, No. 3, mounted, wood body and underframe, (1 car). Snow spreader, No. 4, rebuilt 1900, wood body and underframe, (1 car) Ballast car, No. 5, rebuilt 1912, capacity 40,000 lbs., wood body and underframe, (1 car) Boarding cars, Nos. B1, B3, B4, second hand and rebuilt, capacity 30,000 and 50,000 lbs., wood body and underframe, (3 car) Tool car, No. B2, rebuilt, capacity 40,000 lbs., wood body and underframe, (1 car). |
Locomotives |
No. 3, Baldwin Loco works 1890, second hand, 1898, type 2-6-0, freight service, cylinder 15� x 18�, total lightweight 38 tons. No. 4, Brooks Loco. Works, 1888, second hand, 1897, type 2-6-0, freight service, cylinders 14� x 22�, total light weight 43 tons No. 5, Baldwin Loco. Works, 1870, second hand, XXXX, type 4-4-0, freight service, cylinders 16� x 24�, total light weight 48 tons No. 6, Baldwin Loco. Works, 1870, second hand, 1XXX, type 4-4-0, freight service, cylinders 16� x 24�, total light weight 47 tons No. 8. Baldwin Loco. Works, 1901, second hand, 1912, type 2-8-0, switch service, cylinders 19� x 24�, total lightweight 74 tons. No. 9 and 10, Baldwin Loco. Works, 1890, second hand, 1913, type 4-6-0, freight service, cylinders 16� x 24�, total lightweight 61 tons. |
Freight cars |
Box cars No. 200, rebuilt, capacity 80,000 lbs., wood body and under frame Nos. 206 � 216, second hand, capacity 80,000 and 60,000 lbs., wood body and underframe, (8 cars). Flat cars Nos. 301 � 329, second hand, 1901, capacity 60,000 lbs., wood underframe, (15 cars). Nos. 331 � 389, Russel Wheel & Foundry Co., 1902, capacity 60,000 lbs., wood underframe, (30 cars). Nos. 393 � 491, second hand, 1913, capacity 60,000 lbs., wood underframe, (30 cars). Nos. 493 � 591, second hand, 1913, capacity 60,000 lbs., wood underframe, (50 car). Log cars Nos. 1 � 150, Russel Wheel & Foundry Co., 1898 � 1904, capacity 40,000 lbs., wood underframe, (150). Caboose cars No. 1, Russell Wheel & Foundry Co., 1897, capacity 40,000 lbs., wood body and underframe, (1 car). No. 2, M. M. & N. Ry*., 1902, rebuilt, capacity 40,000 lbs., wood body and underframe, (1 car). No. 3, rebuilt, 1912, capacity 50,000 lbs., wood body and underframe, (1 car). * Manistique Marquette and Northern Railway |
Passenger cars |
Baggage and passenger combine, No. 1, The Pullman Co., 1893, length 51�8�, wood body and underframe, wood-plated 4 wheel trucks, (1 car) Passenger cars, No. 2, second hand, 1900, length 50� 2�, wood body and underframe, wood 6 wheel trucks, (1 car). |
Bridge work |
67 pipe and timber culverts 21 timber trestles 2 Metal bridges Manistique River, 3 spans, single track, built superstructure 1900, length 240 ft., substructure, for timber piers filled with stone, superstructure, 3 20 ft. thru riveted truss spans, and timber stringers. Indian River, two spans, single track, built 1915, length 125 ft., substructure, concrete, two abutments, one pier and two extra piers at span centers, superstructure two 64 ft. second hand deck plate grinder span. |
1916: The Michigan Railroad Commission report on page 53 reports that the M&LS line has no stations except at Manistique and Shingleton. A mixed train is provided for the accommodation of the traveling public which seems to be ample for the traffic presented. The rail in the track is 60 and 65 pound and in fair condition. 13,600 ties were renewed this season and eighty rods of fence were built this year. Weeds on the right of way not cut. This property has showed a decided improvement since the last inspection.