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Manistique, Marquette and Northern Railroad Company


Notes from Pennsylvania RR web site


Traverse City, Leelanau & Manistique Railroad incorporated by interests associated with the Grand Rapids and Indiana. The line is to run from Northport to Traverse City.


  • Continental Improvement Company sells $170,000 of Traverse City Railroad stock to GR&I having disposed of its land grant and other property, it goes out of business.

  • January 1902 - All of the stock in the Manistique and Northwestern Railway is acquired by interests associated with the Grand Rapids and Indiana, which is itself associated with the Pennsylvania Railroad.

  • April 4, 1902 GR&I agrees to operate Traverse City, Leelanau & Manistique Railroad.

  • Manistique, Marquette and Northern Railroad Company is incorporated to acquire all of the assets of the Manistique and Northwestern Railway for $1.5 million.

  • 12/1902 - Manistique and Northwestern Railway launches the railroad car ferry
    Manistique Marquette and Northern No. 1 to operate between Manistique and Northport, Michigan.

  • Below is retyped article from ‘The New York Times’ Jan. 18, 1902
    Manistique and Northeastern Road to be reorganized with Capital of $2,000,000.
    Detroit, Mich., Jan. 17. – The entire capital stock of the Manistique and Northeastern Railroad has been purchased by Daniel W. Kaufman of Marquette, Mich., and P. R. Metheany, Secretary of the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad. The company will be reorganized under the title of the Manistique, Marquette and Northern Railroad, with a capitalization of $2,000,000.
    It is believed that the Pennsylvania Railroad is behind the project, and that it is reaching out for the iron ore regions of Northern Michigan through the Grand Rapids and Indiana, which it already owns and controls. The Manistique and Northern runs north from Manistique to Shingleton, a distance of forty miles, where it connects with Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic.


Traverse City, Leelenau & Manistique Railroad opens between Northport and Hatch's Crossing, Mich., with trackage rights over Manistee & Northeastern between Hatch's Crossing and Traverse City; controlled and operated by GR&I without agreement; soon after establish car ferry across Lake Michigan between Northport and Manistique; unsuccessful and withdrawn later in year. (opens for revenue passenger service 7/1/1903 with through car from Northland Limited – timetable)

Board of Directors meeting Aug. 6, 1903

Whereas, it is deemed desirable by this company to negotiate contract for, or construct and build at Northport and Manistique such docks, slip, racks and approaches as may be necessary for transacting the business of this company, therefore be it. Resolved, that R.R. Westbeauy, President and D.W. Kanfinau, Vice-President, are hereby authorized on behalf of this company, to contract for, negotiate or construct and build such docks, slip, track and approaches upon the property of this company at Northport and Manistique as may be necessary to transact the business of the company, with full power and authority to pay for same out of the funds of this company. Whereas this company has negotiated with the Traverse City Leelanau & Manistique Railroad company a railroad corporation organized and existing under and in purevause of the laws of the state of Michigan, for a ninety nine (99) year lease of certain property situate in the township of Leelanau, county of Leelanau and the State of Michigan, purchase by the Traverse City Leelanau and Manistique Railroad company from Arthur W Leslie and Hannah A. Leslie his wife  bearing date January 27, 1902, and recorded in The Register of Deeds office in the county of Leelanau and State of Michigan, on the 17th day of October A.R. 1902, in liber 27 of deeds on pages 411 and 412, therefore be it - Resolved that this company accept said leave and hereby authorizes its President and Secretary to accept said lease on behalf of this company accordingly. Whereas, the Traverse City Leelanau and Manistique Railroad Company, a railroad corporation organized and existing under and in pursuance of the laws of the State of Michigan, desires to enter into a contact with this company agreeing that it will not engage in carrying on a car ferry and transfer business by water and will not make or enter into any contract with any person, firm or corporation for or in relation to the transportation or transfer of freight or passengers by water without the consent of this company, and it being desired for the best interest of this company to accept said offer and enter into such contract, therefore be it. Whereas, the Traverse City Leelanau and Manistique Railroad Company desires this company to construct certain tracks, side tracks and switches connecting the tracks of that company with the docks of this company at Northport and offer and agrees to pay the cost and expense of same on its right of way to connections with this company's dock tracks, and to perpetually maintain said tracks connections and also maintain the dock tracks and connections of the Manistique, Marquette and Northern Railroad Company, with the understanding that said docks tracks and tracks connections on the property of this company remains the sole property of said Manistique, Marquette and Northern Railroad Company therefore be it. Whereas, this company has negotiated with the Traverse City Leelanau and Manistique Railroad Company for a right of way and easement which it has over, across and upon Third Street (extended) in the platted village of Northport, in the township of Leelanau, Leelanau county and state of Michigan, extending from Water Street easterly to Grand Traverse Bay in said bounty, therefore be it. Resolved that the President and Secretary of this company are hereby authorized and direct to accept and assignment and transfer of said rights and easement.

Board of Directors meeting Aug. 6, 1903
TC, L & M RR

Whereas, it is deemed desirable by this company to negotiate contract for, or construct and build at Northport and Manistique such docks, slip, racks and approaches as may be necessary for transacting the business of this company, therefore be it.

Resolved, that R.R. Westbeauy, President and D.W. Kanfinau, Vice-President,are hereby authorized on behalf of this company, to contract for, negotiate or construct and build such docks, slip, track and approaches upon the property of this company at Northport and Manistique as may be necessary to transact the business of the company, with full power and authority to pay for same out of the funds of this company.

Whereas this company has negotiated with the Traverse City Leelanau & Manistique Railroad company a railroad corporation organized and existing under and in purevause of the laws of the state of Michigan, for a ninety nine (99) year lease of certain property situate in the township of Leelanau, county of Leelanau and the State of Michigan, purchase by the Traverse City Leelanau and Manistique Railroad company from Arthur W Leslie and Hannah A. Leslie his wife bearing date January 27, 1902, and recorded in The Register of Deeds office in the county of Leelanau and State of Michigan, on the 17th day of October A.R. 1902, in liber 27 of deeds on pages 411 and 412, therefore be it -

Resolved that this company accept said leave and hereby authorizes its President and Secretary to accept said lease on behalf of this company accordingly.

Whereas, the Traverse City Leelanau and Manistique Railroad Company, a railroad corporation organized and existing under and in pursuance of the laws of the State of Michigan, desires to enter into a contact with this company agreeing that it will not engage in carrying on a car ferry and transfer business by water and will not make or enter into any contract with any person, firm or corporation for or in relation to the transportation or transfer of freight or passengers by water without the consent of this company, and it being desired for the best interest of this company to accept said offer and enter into such contract, therefore be it.

Whereas, the Traverse City Leelanau and Manistique Railroad Company desires this company to construct certain tracks, side tracks and switches connecting the tracks of that company with the docks of this company at Northport and offer and agrees to pay the cost and expense of same on its right of way to connections with this company's dock tracks, and to perpetually maintain said tracks connections and also maintain the dock tracks and connections of the Manistique, Marquette and Northern Railroad Company, with the understanding that said docks tracks and tracks connections on the property of this company remains the sole property of said Manistique, Marquette and Northern Railroad Company therefore be it.

Whereas, this company has negotiated with the Traverse City Leelenau and Manistique Railroad Company for a right of way and easement which it has over, across and upon Third Street (extended) in the platted village of Northport, in the township of Leelanau, Leelanau county and state of Michigan, extending from Water Street easterly to Grand Traverse Bay in said bounty, therefore be it.

Resolved that the President and Secretary of this company are hereby authorized and direct to accept and assignment and transfer of said rights and easement.

  • In September (1903) a ferry landing and valuable track privileges were acquired at Manistique, Michigan; by this means your property has secured two additional railroad connections; access to the several iron oar producing districts of the Northern Peninsular and a profitable local business to and from that city. The harbor will – when improved – be as accessible for winter navigation as any on Lake Michigan. [Ann Arbor RR Annual report 1902 pg 6]


  • Manistique, Marquette and Northern Railroad Company awarded a contract to carry mail.

  • 5/17/1904 - Manistique and Northwestern Railway, now bankrupt, is leased by the Pere Marquette Railroad.

    THE PERE MARQUETTE RAILROAD COMPANY 1904 Prince Administration
    Paul Wesley Ivey, Ph. D.
    Further expansion was attempted in 1904, this time in Northern Michigan, which resulted in a loss for the Pere Marquette. The owners of the stock of a railroad known as the Manistique, Marquette and Northern, extending 45 miles between Duluth, Shore and Atlantic Railway, and Manistique on Lake Michigan, were anxious to sell their control of this line for a limited time, together with the option for the purchase of the stock for $75,000, subject to the outstanding bonds against the property. The Pere Marquette took over the property under these conditions for a year but the operation on the road proved to be a losing proposition, the Pere Marquette Railroad sustaining a loss during this time of approximately $21,000. The option, therefore, was not exercised, so the property went back to the former owners.

  • Note: The Pere Marquette Railway ran the car ferry all the way down to Ludington instead of going to Northport, which would have reduced that cost, which they could have received the cars transfer at Hatch's Crossing or Traverse City. [HFB]


  • 1905 Northport - Manistique, Mich., car ferry revived.

  • 9/1905 - The Pere Marquette Railroad itself is now bankrupt; the Manistique, Marquette and Northern Railroad is sold at a mortgage sale to the Union Trust Company, of Detroit, Michigan.

Michigan Railroad Commission Inspection 1905

This company was incorporated during the year and has purchased the Manistique & Northwestern Railway, extending from South Manistique to Shingleton.
At present the company is engaged principally in the logging business. But one train is run each way, daily, for the accommodation of passenger traffic.
The company has recently launched a car ferry that will run between Manistique and Northport, connecting with the Traverse City , Leelanau & Manistique Railroad.
The Condition of the road is fairly satisfactory and decided improvements have been made during the year.
About 649 tons of new 60-pound rail has been laid, 6,022 ties placed in the track, seven bridges with an aggregate length of 222 feet have been rebuilt and a branch line 3 miles in length has been constructed.
Its freight cars, with the exception of logging cars, are equipped with automatic couplers, and its passenger cars are satisfactorily equipped.

President, S. T. CRAPO, Detroit, Mich.
Vice-President, R. R. METHEANY, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Secretary, J. B. HOWARD, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Auditor, E. E. COOMBS, Manistique, Mich.
Treasurer, J. B. HOWARD, Grand Rapids, Mich.
General Manager, S. T. CRAPO, Detroit, Mich.
Superintendent, J. A. ROBINSON, Manistique, Mich.
General Passenger Agent, E. E. COOMBS, Manistique, Mich.
General Freight Agent, E. E. COOMBS, Manistique, Mich
Attorney, C. W. DUTON, Manistique, Mich.

J. H. P. HUGHART, Grand Rapids, Mich.
R. R. METHEANY, Grand Rapids, Mich.
J. B. HOWARD, Grand Rapids, Mich.
S. T. CRAPO, Detroit, Mich.


April 17, 1907 Traverse City, Leelanau & Manistique Railroad sold at foreclosure to Union Trust Company of Detroit.

The car ferry routes of the Manistique, Marquette and Northern Railroad

and of the Ann Arbor Railway Company in November of 1907.


  • 1/17/1908 Manistique and Northern Railroad Company is incorporated to acquire the assets of the Manistique, Marquette and Northern Railroad.

  • 9/19/1908 Traverse City, Leelanau & Manistique Railway incorporated as reorganization of TCL&M Railroad.

  • Northport - Manistique, Mich., car ferry discontinued.

  • 10/5/1908 The railroad car ferry Manistique, Marquette and Northern Railroad No. 1 is sold to the Grand Trunk Milwaukee Car Ferry Company and renamed Milwaukee.


Manistique and Lake Superior Railroad Company is incorporated to acquire the assets of the Manistique, Marquette and Northern Railroad from the Union Trust Company and the Ann Arbor Railroad Company for $1.00.