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Manistique and Lake Superior Book

Manistique and Lake Superior
Book By Hugh A. Hornstein
Updates and Corrections


The author was an instructor at Muskegon Community College.  At the time I was at the college we did not have ranking.  I am unaware that the college awarded me this rank after my retirement.


(page 58) Based on the 1907 Sanborn maps on Manistique, I incorrectly located the Chicago Lumber Company and the Wesson Lumber Company.  The Chicago Lumber Company should be on the east side of the Manistique River and the Wesson Lumber Company should be on the west side.


(page 86) Locomotive #1 (Burger notes): "M&LS engine No. 1 2-6-0 was Manistique Railway No. 1 then Manistique Lumber Company No. 2" (From Henry Burger, May 31, 2005)


(page87) Locomotive #8: "You stated that the 2-8-0 Baldwin from the Atlantic Mining Company was build #18777.  This, I believe is incorrect.  I have this from sources (Clint Jones and John Campbell) that the engine that was sold to Wabash(ML&S) was build #16028 built 7/1898 and was numbered #6 and was named the "Baltic" while on the A&LS." (From Kevin Musser, June 5, 2005)


(page 69) Railcar F2: Kevin Musser was able to find a picture of this car.  It is from the Keith Niles collection and made available to "" by Clint Jones.  Copy of picture below.



Kevin, himself was able to provide a copy of a 1956 Ann Arbor carferry schedule with prices which included service to Manistique, opy below.



Addition to the biobliography:
Crowe, William S. [McGlothin, Lynn and Ann, editors] Lumberjack: Inside an era in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan.  [50th Anniversary Edition] (Skandia, MI: North Country Publishing, 2002)
The book deals with Manistique during the lumbering era.  It contains a great deal of information on logging in the Manistique area be the Chicago Lumber Company as well as information on the M&LS.


An alternative roster I received from Henry Burger on August 10, 2007.  It had been prepared by Stanley Allen.  There appear to be some discrepancies between the roster published in the book and the one presented by Mr. Allen.  I will leave it to the reader to deal with the discrepancies.  Stanley Allen Roster


 Bob Warrick has informed the author that M&LS Russell snowplow #10 was returned to the Ann Arbor after the M&LS shut down.  It was then �donated� to the Cadillac and Lake City (C&LS) and became their #10.  The plow did see limited service on the C&LS being pushed by a C&LC steamer.  After the C&LC shut down, the plow was sent to the Thumb area and subsequently was damaged in a fire. No later information is available.