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The Railfan's Guide To Springfield, Missouri

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    Burlington Northern GP50L #3148 leads a train east out of Springfield Yards and through the Broad St. Crossovers on the double-track mainline at Springfield, Missouri on April 10, 1993. The grain elevator in the background serves is an interesting local railroad landmark, and serves as an eastside "gateway" to the sprawling yards complex. � 1998-1999 by Steve Barry. Used with permission.

    Good Afternoon, Railfans!

    Welcome to the Springfield, MO Railfan's Website. While this site has been in operation since early 1999, we are currently making several changes to the site's format and content. Please bear with us as we make such changes, which will be of more help to you in your railfanning interests and adventures!

      Springfield, MO, (metro pop. 270,000) is the third largest city in Missouri and is located at the junction of two important BNSF mainlines: Kansas City-Memphis-Birmingham and St. Louis-Tulsa-Dallas. In times past, Springfield was headquarters for the Frisco Railway, which was purchased by the Burlington Northern in 1980. While the BN (and later BNSF) mergers brought about many changes to the Springfield rail scene, the Ozarks are still a BNSF fan's paradise, as it hosts many of the railroad's hottest coal, intermodal and manifest freights trains.

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