' . KU_NAME . ''; if (KU_SLOGAN != '') { echo '

' . KU_SLOGAN . '

'; } echo ''; if ($_GET['p']=='faq') { echo file_get_contents(KU_ROOTDIR.'inc/pages/faq.html'); } else if ($_GET['p']=='rules') { echo file_get_contents(KU_ROOTDIR.'inc/pages/rules.html'); } else { if (isset($kusabaorg)) { echo '
Current release: 1.0.1 - Quick Download (Install) - For more information/upgrading, click the Download link above.
'; } $entries = 0; /* Get all of the news entries, ordered with the newest one placed on top */ $results = $tc_db->GetAll("SELECT * FROM `".KU_DBPREFIX."news` ORDER BY `postedat` DESC"); foreach($results AS $line) { $entries++; echo '

'.stripslashes($line['subject']).' by '; /* If the message had an email attached to it, add the proper html to link to it */ if ($line['postedemail']!="") { echo ''; } echo stripslashes($line['postedby']); if ($line['postedemail']!="") { echo ''; } echo ' - '.date("n/j/y @ g:iA T", $line['postedat']); echo '#


'; } } /* Don't worry about this, it only applies to my personal installation of kusaba */ if (isset($kusabaorg)) { echo ' '; } ?>