Supported file types are: Maximum file size allowed is KB.Images greater than x pixels will be thumbnailed.Currently unique user posts.');
Will become (if you had my settings):
* Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG
* Maximum file size allowed is 1000 KB.
* Images greater than 200x200 pixels will be thumbnailed.
* Currently 221 unique user posts. View catalog
Possible values you may use:
$cf = array();
/* Caching (this needs to be set at the start because if enabled, it skips the rest of the configuration process) */
$cf['KU_APC'] = false;
$cache_loaded = false;
if ($cf['KU_APC']) {
if (apc_load_constants('config')) {
$cache_loaded = true;
if (!$cache_loaded) {
/* Database */
$cf['KU_DBTYPE'] = 'mysql'; /* Database type (mysql is the only type tested, use others at own risk) */
$cf['KU_DBHOST'] = 'localhost'; /* Database hostname */
$cf['KU_DBDATABASE'] = 'kusaba'; /* Database... database */
$cf['KU_DBUSERNAME'] = 'root'; /* Database username */
$cf['KU_DBPASSWORD'] = ''; /* Database password */
$cf['KU_DBPREFIX'] = ''; /* Database table prefix */
$cf['KU_DBUSEPERSISTENT'] = false; /* Use persistent connection to database */
/* Chan info */
$cf['KU_NAME'] = 'kusaba'; /* The name of your site */
$cf['KU_SLOGAN'] = '"slogan!"'; /* Site slogan, set to nothing to disable its display */
$cf['KU_HEADERURL'] = ''; /* Full URL to the header image (or rotation script) to be displayed, can be left blank for no image */
$cf['KU_IRC'] = ''; /* IRC info, which will be displayed in the menu. Leave blank to remove it */
/* Paths and URLs */
/* Main installation directory */
/* NOTE! You probably will NOT need to edit these, unless you use the BOARDS* or CGI* options below, which you probably won't! */
$cf['KU_ROOTDIR'] = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/'; /* Full system path of the folder containing kusaba.php, with trailing slash */
$cf['KU_WEBFOLDER'] = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/'; /* The path from the domain of the board to the folder which kusaba is in, including the trailing slash. Example: "" would have a $cf['KU_WEBFOLDER'] of "/misc/kusaba/" */
$cf['KU_WEBPATH'] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $cf['KU_WEBFOLDER']; /* The path to the index folder of kusaba, without trailing slash */
$cf['KU_WEBCORAL'] = ''; /* Set to the coralized version of your webpath to enable. If not set to '', URLs which can safely be cached will be coralized, and will use the Coral Content Distribution Network. Example: becomes, becomes */
$cf['KU_DOMAIN'] = '.' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; /* Used in cookies for the domain parameter. Should be a period and then the top level domain, which will allow the cookies to be set for all subdomains. For, the domain would be; would be */
/* Board subdomain/alternate directory (optional, change to enable) */
$cf['KU_BOARDSDIR'] = $cf['KU_ROOTDIR'];
$cf['KU_BOARDSCORAL'] = '';
/* CGI subdomain/alternate directory (optional, change to enable) */
$cf['KU_CGIDIR'] = $cf['KU_BOARDSDIR'];
/* Templates */
$cf['KU_TEMPLATEDIR'] = $cf['KU_ROOTDIR'] . 'smarty/templates'; /* Smarty templates directory */
$cf['KU_CACHEDTEMPLATEDIR'] = $cf['KU_ROOTDIR'] . 'smarty/templates_c'; /* Smarty compiled templates directory. This folder MUST be writable (you may need to chmod it to 755). Set to '' to disable template caching */
/* CSS styles */
$cf['KU_STYLES'] = 'burichan:futaba:photon'; /* Styles which are available to be used for the boards, separated by colons, in lower case. These will be displayed next to [Home] [Manage] if KU_STYLESWIKUHER is set to true */
$cf['KU_DEFAULTSTYLE'] = 'futaba'; /* If Default is selected in the style list in board options, it will use this style. Should be lower case */
$cf['KU_STYLESWITCHER'] = true; /* Whether or not to display the different styles in a clickable switcher at the top of the board */
$cf['KU_TXTSTYLES'] = 'futatxt:buritxt:yotsuba:headline:pseud0ch'; /* Styles which are available to be used for the boards, separated by colons, in lower case */
$cf['KU_DEFAULTTXTSTYLE'] = 'futatxt'; /* If Default is selected in the style list in board options, it will use this style. Should be lower case */
$cf['KU_TXTSTYLESWITCHER'] = true; /* Whether or not to display the different styles in a clickable switcher at the top of the board */
$cf['KU_MENUSTYLES'] = 'futaba:burichan'; /* Menu styles*/
$cf['KU_DEFAULTMENUSTYLE'] = 'futaba'; /* Default menu style */
$cf['KU_MENUSTYLESWITCHER'] = true; /* Whether or not to display the different styles in a clickable switcher in the menu */
/* Limitations */
$cf['KU_NEWTHREADDELAY'] = 30; /* Minimum time in seconds a user must wait before posting a new thread again */
$cf['KU_REPLYDELAY'] = 7; /* Minimum time in seconds a user must wait before posting a reply again */
$cf['KU_MAXCHAR'] = 200; /* Maximum number of characters in a row before forcing a linebreak in a post */
$cf['KU_LINELENGTH'] = 150; /* Used when cutting long post messages on pages and placing the message too long notification */
/* Image handling */
$cf['KU_THUMBWIDTH'] = 200; /* Maximum thumbnail width */
$cf['KU_THUMBHEIGHT'] = 200; /* Maximum thumbnail height */
$cf['KU_REPLYTHUMBWIDTH'] = 125; /* Maximum thumbnail width (reply) */
$cf['KU_REPLYTHUMBHEIGHT'] = 125; /* Maximum thumbnail height (reply) */
$cf['KU_CATTHUMBWIDTH'] = 50; /* Maximum thumbnail width (catalog) */
$cf['KU_CATTHUMBHEIGHT'] = 50; /* Maximum thumbnail height (catalog) */
$cf['KU_THUMBMETHOD'] = 'gd'; /* Method to use when thumbnailing images in jpg, gif, or png format. Options available: gd, imagemagick */
$cf['KU_ANIMATEDTHUMBS'] = false; /* Whether or not to allow animated thumbnails (only applies if using imagemagick) */
/* Post handling */
$cf['KU_NEWWINDOW'] = true; /* When a user clicks a thumbnail, whether to open the link in a new window or not */
$cf['KU_MAKELINKS'] = true; /* Whether or not to turn http:// links into clickable links */
$cf['KU_NOMESSAGETHREAD'] = ''; /* Text to set a message to if a thread is made with no text */
$cf['KU_NOMESSAGEREPLY'] = ''; /* Text to set a message to if a reply is made with no text */
/* Post display */
$cf['KU_THREADS'] = 10; /* Number of threads to display on a board page */
$cf['KU_THREADSTXT'] = 15; /* Number of threads to display on a text board front page */
$cf['KU_REPLIES'] = 3; /* Number of replies to display on a board page */
$cf['KU_REPLIESSTICKY'] = 1; /* Number of replies to display on a board page when a thread is stickied */
$cf['KU_THUMBMSG'] = false; /* Whether or not to display the "Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size." message on posts with images */
$cf['KU_BANMSG'] = '
(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)'; /* The text to add at the end of a post if a ban is placed and "Add ban message" is checked */
$cf['KU_TRADITIONALREAD'] = false; /* Whether or not to use the traditional style for multi-quote urls. Traditional: read.php/board/thread/posts, Non-traditional: read.php?b=board&t=thread&p=posts */
/* Pages */
$cf['KU_POSTBOX'] = 'Supported file types are: Maximum file size allowed is KB.Images greater than x pixels will be thumbnailed.Currently unique user posts.'; /* Notice displayed under the post area */
$cf['KU_FIRSTPAGE'] = 'board.html'; /* Filename of the first page of a board. Only change this if you are willing to maintain the .htaccess files for each board directory (they are created with a DirectoryIndex board.html, change them if you change this) */
$cf['KU_DIRTITLE'] = false; /* Whether or not to place the board directory in the board's title and at the top of the page. true would render as "/b/ - Random", false would render as "Random" */
/* File tagging */
$cf['KU_TAGS'] = array('Japanese' => 'J',
'Anime' => 'A',
'Game' => 'G',
'Loop' => 'L',
'Other' => '*'); /* Used only in Upload imageboards. These are the tags which a user may choose to use as they are posting a file. If you wish to disable tagging on Upload imageboards, set this to '' */
/* Special Tripcodes */
$cf['KU_TRIPS'] = array('#changeme' => 'changeme',
'#changeme2' => 'changeme2'); /* Special tripcodes which can have a predefined output. Do not include the initial ! in the output. Maximum length for the output is 30 characters. Set to array(); to disable */
/* Extra features */
$cf['KU_RSS'] = true; /* Whether or not to enable the generation of rss for each board and modlog */
$cf['KU_EXPAND'] = true; /* Whether or not to add the expand button to threads viewed on board pages */
$cf['KU_QUICKREPLY'] = true; /* Whether or not to add quick reply links on posts */
$cf['KU_WATCHTHREADS'] = true; /* Whether or not to add thread watching capabilities */
$cf['KU_FIRSTLAST'] = true; /* Whether or not to generate extra files for the first 100 posts/last 50 posts */
$cf['KU_BLOTTER'] = true; /* Whether or not to enable the blotter feature */
$cf['KU_APPEAL'] = ''; /* List of email addresses separated by colons to send ban appeal messages to. Set to '' to disable the ban appeal system. */
$cf['KU_PINGBACK'] = ''; /* The password to use when making a ping to the chan directory. Set to '' to disable */
/* Misc config */
$cf['KU_MODLOGDAYS'] = 7; /* Days to keep modlog entries before removing them */
$cf['KU_RANDOMSEED'] = 'ENTER RANDOM LETTERS/NUMBERS HERE'; /* Type a bunch of random letters/numbers here, any large amount (35+ characters) will do */
$cf['KU_STATICMENU'] = false; /* Whether or not to generate the menu files as static files, instead of linking to menu.php. Enabling this will reduce load, however some users have had trouble with getting the files to generate */
$cf['KU_GENERATEBOARDLIST'] = true; /* Set to true to automatically make the board list which is displayed ad the top and bottom of the board pages, or false to use the boards.html file */
/* Language / timezone / encoding */
$cf['KU_LOCALE'] = 'en'; /* The locale of kusaba you would like to use. Locales available: en, de, es, fi, it, nl, no, pl, ru */
$cf['KU_CHARSET'] = 'UTF-8'; /* The character encoding to mark the pages as. This must be the same in the .htaccess file (AddCharset charsethere .html and AddCharset charsethere .php) to function properly. Only UTF-8 and Shift_JIS have been tested */
putenv('TZ=US/Pacific'); /* The time zone which the server resides in */
/* Debug */
$cf['KU_DEBUG'] = false; /* When enabled, debug information will be printed (Warning: all queries will be shown publicly) */
/* Post-configuration actions, don't modify these */
$cf['KU_VERSION'] = '1.0.2';
$cf['KU_TAGS'] = serialize($cf['KU_TAGS']);
$cf['KU_TRIPS'] = serialize($cf['KU_TRIPS']);
$cf['KU_LINELENGTH'] = $cf['KU_LINELENGTH'] * 15;
if (substr($cf['KU_WEBFOLDER'], -2) == '//') { $cf['KU_WEBFOLDER'] = substr($cf['KU_WEBFOLDER'], 0, -1); }
if (substr($cf['KU_BOARDSFOLDER'], -2) == '//') { $cf['KU_BOARDSFOLDER'] = substr($cf['KU_BOARDSFOLDER'], 0, -1); }
if (substr($cf['KU_CGIFOLDER'], -2) == '//') { $cf['KU_CGIFOLDER'] = substr($cf['KU_CGIFOLDER'], 0, -1); }
$cf['KU_WEBPATH'] = trim($cf['KU_WEBPATH'], '/');
$cf['KU_BOARDSPATH'] = trim($cf['KU_BOARDSPATH'], '/');
$cf['KU_CGIPATH'] = trim($cf['KU_CGIPATH'], '/');
if ($cf['KU_APC']) {
apc_define_constants('config', $cf);
while (list($key, $value) = each($cf)) {
define($key, $value);
$modules_loaded = array();
require KU_ROOTDIR . 'lib/gettext/';
require KU_ROOTDIR . 'lib/adodb/';
/* Gettext */
_setlocale(LC_ALL, KU_LOCALE);
_bindtextdomain('kusaba', KU_ROOTDIR . 'inc/lang');
_bind_textdomain_codeset('kusaba', KU_CHARSET);
/* MySQL database */
if (!isset($tc_db) && !isset($preconfig_db_unnecessary)) {
$tc_db = &NewADOConnection(KU_DBTYPE);
$tc_db->PConnect(KU_DBHOST, KU_DBUSERNAME, KU_DBPASSWORD, KU_DBDATABASE) or die('MySQL database connection error: ' . $tc_db->ErrorMsg());
} else {
$tc_db->Connect(KU_DBHOST, KU_DBUSERNAME, KU_DBPASSWORD, KU_DBDATABASE) or die('MySQL database connection error: ' . $tc_db->ErrorMsg());
/* MySQL debug */
if (KU_DEBUG) {
$tc_db->debug = true;
$results = $tc_db->GetAll("SELECT * FROM `" . KU_DBPREFIX . "events` WHERE `at` <= " . time());
if (count($results) > 0) {
if ($tc_db->ErrorMsg() == '') {
foreach($results AS $line) {
if ($line['name'] == 'pingback') {
$tc_db->Execute("UPDATE `" . KU_DBPREFIX . "events` SET `at` = " . (time() + 43200) . " WHERE `name` = 'pingback'");
if (KU_PINGBACK != '') {
$ch = curl_init('' . urlencode(KU_NAME) . '&password=' . urlencode(KU_PINGBACK) . '&version=' . KU_VERSION . '&url=' . urlencode(KU_WEBPATH));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10);
/* Thanks Z */
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) {
$_GET[$key] = stripslashes($val);
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
$_POST[$key] = stripslashes($val);
if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) {