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McCloud Rails - Passenger Operations: Excursion Photos: Trains Unlimited Special 2005

McCloud Rails : Passenger Operations: Excursion Photos

Trains Unlimited Special 2005

Page 4

The officials quickly concluded that the F-unit could not lead the train north, and it was set out in the yard. The Amtrak units are to continue on by themselves. Note that the magnetic herald has been removed from the nose of the F-unit. Roger Titus photo

The Amtrak units lead the special out of the north end of the yard and off of McCloud trackage. Roger Titus photo

The Milwaukee observation brings up the rear as Black Butte looks on. Roger Titus photo

McCloud Railway management offered to make repairs on the F-unit. The #2001 and the #37 left Mt. Shasta, bound for McCloud, before the decision was made, and they had to return to Mt. Shasta City to pick up the unit. The #37 has just coupled to the front of the F-unit, and the two of them frame Mt. Shasta nicely. Roger Titus photo

The three units together in the Mt. Shasta yard, preparing for departure. Roger Titus photo

On the way home the three units paused at Big Canyon for photos. Roger Titus photo

Another shot of the three units at Big Canyon. Roger Titus photo

The three units sitting back in McCloud in the makeup yard. Roger Titus photo

A broadside shot of the #2001 with Mt. Shasta in the background. Roger Titus photo

By the following morning the units had been switched around so that the F-unit was in the front and moved to the shop lead. Roger Titus photo

One last photo of the three units together in front of the shop. Roger Titus photo