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McCloud Rails - Passenger Operations: Excursion Photos: Steam Locomotive #18: Trains Unlimited Special 2004

McCloud Rails : Passenger Operations: Excursion Photos

Steam Locomotive #18:
Trains Unlimited Special 2004

(This posting consists of TWO pages. Click for page 1.)


(Picture 1102McCloudRiver-LkBritton) On the return trip, the #18 is seen here on another photo runby, this one across the Lake Britton Bridge.

(Picture 1102McCloudRiver-Algoma-1) The #18 and the train taken from the top deck of the double-deck flatcar. Near Algomah.

(Picture mccloudriver-arkrite) The #18, once again from the double deck car, here seen climbing the grade between the Lake Britton Bridge and Arkrite Flats.

(Picture mccloudriver-bearcreek) The excursion is seen here dropping down towards the Bear Creek drainage crossing.

(Picture mccloudriver-wye-1) Upon returning back to McCloud the train is seen here running around the wye at the upper end of the yard before backing down to the depot area.

(Picture mccloudriver041) Engineer on this trip was Malen Johnson, seen here at the throttle of the #18 while climbing Algomah Hill.

(Picture 1102McCloudRiver_038) Fireman on this trip was Michael Zetocha.