DODX 40077
Built by Fruit Growers Express, Alexandria, VA
DODX 40506
Built by Ortner Freight Car Co.
DODX Brake Details, Left Side:
Built by Ortner Freight Car Co.
DODX 40026
DODX 40355
Built by Ortner Freight Car Co.
DODX 40244
DODX 40476
Built September, 1985 by Ortner Freight Car Co.
DODX 40530 Brake Details, Left Side:
Built by Ortner Freight Car Co.
DODX 40509 with Two 20' Containers, Left Side:
Built by Ortner Freight Car Co.
DODX 40481
Built by Ortner Freight Car Co.
Right Side, A End:
Right Side, B End:
Deck, B End:
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