Mountain Railroading SP Style
An HO scale model railroad
More work has been done and we are running trains! The CTC panel is under construction and 95% of the track work is done. We are building the last few bridges�the biggest ones�and beginning the scenery! Keep watching for more pictures and updates!
Here is a brief preview!
Click on picture above to see larger image!
The Project
My concept for this HO scale model railroad is to represent the Southern Pacific Railroad in their main setting...the mountains. I didn't want to model a specific area, but rather capture the essence of the rough terrain that the Southern Pacific Railroad chose to run their track through and the challenges that the railroad faced day after day.
Although the area that I am using as a basis for the layout would make a great project, I decided to use the modeler's license to create an area that captured most of the obstacles that existed on all parts of the line. I won't be trying to recreate any part of Tahachapi. Other modelers have done that very well. I am trying to capture the railroad in areas such as Dunsmir and Shasta.
I will try to duplicate as much as possible the diverse landscape that the SP travels through from the steep grades and twisting roadbed of the mountains to the interchange with other railroads and their branch line traffic.
On the following pages I will try to give you a brief history of my layout and provide photos as the current project progresses. I will also include links to other great railroad sites, prototypical and scale as well as some other sites that might be of interest to a modeler or railfan.
Any comments or suggestions are welcome. If we are doing anything that interests you and you would like further detail on a specific phase of the project, feel free to ask. We like to talk trains! You can contact me at the following address, or leave a message in our guestbook.
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