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4 Module Wiring

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Module Wiring

Contents this page:

1. Introduction (below)
2. Transformer To Track Drawings (below)
3. Module-to-Module Plug Info (below)

1. Introduction

Vern Duryea -- The Module Creator

Vern estimates he spend about 40 hours constructing the original version 1 modules, with the assistance of Art Featherman and many others.

Vern estimates he spent about 40 hours working on the conversion to version 2, which involved in moving the S gauge track to the inside and elevating it. This conversion was started by Gene Emery.

Vern estimates he spent about 3 months on conversion to version 3, which involved taking up and then re-laying all the track, plus building 4 new modules. Ed Hunter assisted with this project.

Vern is only 88 (eighty-eight) years old, and the club likes to assign the "heavy lifting" to these younger guys.



2. Transformer To Track Drawings


(original photo by Clair Moyer)


(original photo by Clair Moyer)


3. Module To Module Plug Info





This page modified Dec 16, 2002 -a


  This page last modified 12/16/2002 (8d13) by . . James R. Ingram