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Alan Schenkel's Locollection: FL9/F10 Status (11/30/08) LOCOLLECTION: Operational Status of the Metro North/CDOT FL9 and F10s

Updated 11/30/08. Thanks to Scott A. Hartley, Josh Weis, Joe Klapkowski, Daniel Chazin, Jaap van Dorp, and the Hudson Rail Road list members who have contributed. It would have been impossible without Scott's definitive 1993 article in Trains.

This roster is final MNR/CDOT number followed by first New Haven numbers and Penn Central/Conrail numbers. CDOT locomotives are in New Haven/McGinnis scheme. Also included are the 3 LIRR FL9ACs.

If you see any errors please email me at

Final MNR/CDOT (NH) number First New Haven number Make Operational Status Notes
LIRR 300 NH 2003, PC/CR 5003, MNR 2001/502 FL9AC Scrapped Rebuilt by ABB Republic 1991, retired 1999 when replaced by DE30ACs, 600 V AC, scrapped at Croton East by FICX in 2005
LIRR 301 NH 2000, PC/CR 5000, MNR 2025 FL9AC Scrapped Rebuilt by ABB Republic 1991, retired 1999 when replaced by DE30ACs, 600 V AC, scrapped at Croton East by FICX in 2005. Fueltank/electrical components and truck parts missing after it fell in turntable pit at LIRR.
LIRR 302 NH 2047, PC/CR 5047, MNR 5047 FL9AC Scrapped Rebuilt by ABB Republic 1991, retired 1999 when replaced by DE30ACs, 600 V AC, scrapped at Croton East by FICX in 2005
MNR 410 -- F10 Operational Ex MBTA 1109 rebuilt out of Gulf, Mobile & Ohio (GM&O) F3 804a by Illinois Central Gulf
MNR 411 -- F10 Operational Ex MBTA 1113 rebuilt out of GM&O F3 809a by Illinois Central Gulf
MNR 412 -- F10 Retired, now ADCR 1502 Ex MBTA 1151 rebuilt out of GM&O F3 884a by Illinois Central Gulf, To Adirondack Scenic Railroad 9/14/02. Retired from bent coupler, coupler pocket, cracked frame in roll away. Photo and news from Jaap
MNR 413 -- F10 Operational Ex MBTA 1152 rebuilt out of GM&O F3 880a by Illinois Central Gulf
CDOT "NH" 2002 NH 2005, PC/CR 5005 FL9 Leased to Naugatuck Railroad 4/02-present Rebuilt by Chrome Locomotive in 1985
MNR 2003 NH 2017, PC/CR 5017 FL9 Scrapped Rebuilt at Eastern Rail Car in New Jersey
MNR 2005 NH 2024, PC/CR 5024 FL9 Scrapped Rebuilt by GE 1980, scrapped by FICX
CDOT "NH" 2006 NH 2026, PC/CR 5026 FL9 Retired 10/01 Rebuilt by Chrome Locomotive in 1985, sent to Danbury Rail Museum
MNR 2007 NH 2031, PC/CR 5031 FL9 Retired, at Adirondack Scenic Railroad "G-string" paint scheme (1 of 2 w/ 2013 before NYC paint), Rebuilt by GE 1980, at CH shops. Sent to Adirondack Scenic Railroad 9/14/02
MNR 2008 NH 2033, PC/CR 5033 FL9 Stored/Operational Rebuilt at Eastern Rail Car in New Jersey
MNR 2010 NH 2037, PC/CR 5037 FL9 Saved by CACV Photo by Jaap! Left MNR 1/16/03 to Cooperstown & Charlotte Valley
CDOT "NH" 2011 NH 2038, PC/CR 5038 FL9M Operational Rebuilt by MK 1993
"NYC" 2012 NH 2039, PC/CR 5039, MNR 519 FL9 Stored/Operational Rebuilt by GE 1980, Repainted 1999 for 150 year anniversary of the Hudson River Railroad in New York Central colors
"NYC" 2013 NH 2040, PC/CR 5040 FL9 Saved at Danbury Rail Museum Repainted 1999 for 150 year anniversary of the Hudson River Railroad in New York Central colors. Dead in 2000, stored soon to be donated to Danbury Rail Museum 4/00
CDOT "NH" 2014 NH 2041, PC/CR 5041, MNR 2014/521 FL9M Operational Rebuilt by MK 1992, caught fire in 1998 (see picture), repainted 1999
CDOT "NH" 2016 NH 2044, PC/CR 5044, MNR 2016 FL9M Operational Rebuilt by MK 1992, restored temporarily after electrical fire damaged front truck (photo and news by Jaap)
MNR 2017 NH 2045, PC/CR 5045 FL9 Retired to M&E Purchased by SIXX Leasing - shipped to M&E in > Morristown, to be used as parts source, still in Cedar > Knolls, NJ as on 02/2007, current location/condition > unknown.
MNR 2018 NH 2048, PC/CR 5048 FL9 Retired. Sent to Adirondack Scenic Railroad 9/14/02
CDOT "NH" 2019 NH 2049, PC/CR 5049 FL9 Leased to Naugatuck Railroad 4/02-present Rebuilt by Chrome Locomotive in 1985
MNR 2020 NH 2053, PC/CR 5053 FL9 Dead/Scrapped
MNR 2021 NH 2054, PC/CR 5045, MNR 530 FL9 Retired/On display Donated to Westchester Medical Center Maria Fareri Children's Hospital December 2000
MNR 2022 NH 2055, PC/CR 5055 FL9 Dead Scrapped
CDOT "NH" 2023 NH 2057, PC/CR 5057 FL9 Retired Operational Donated to Connecticut Eastern RR Museum Willimantic, CT
CDOT "NH" 2024 NH 2058, PC/CR 5058, MNR 534 FL9M Fire in 2007, status unknown Rebuilt by MK 1993
CDOT "NH" 2026 NH 2007, PC/CR 5007 FL9M Operational Rebuilt by MK 1993, restored temporarily after electrical fire damaged front truck (photo and news by Jaap)
CDOT "NH" 2027 NH 2015, PC/CR 5015 FL9M Operational Rebuilt by MK 1993
MNR 2028 NH 2018, PC/CR 5018 FL9 Dead Sent to Cooperstown & Charlotte Valley 1/16/03
MNR 2029 NH 2019, PC/CR 5019 FL9 Dead To Adirondack Scenic Railroad 9/14/02. Scrapped in Rome, NY.
MNR 2030 NH 2027, PC/CR 5027 FL9 Dead/Scrapped
MNR 2031 NH 2052 PC/CR 5052 FL9 Dead Sent to Adirondack Scenic Railroad 9/14/02
MNR 2033 NH 2059 PC/CR 5059 FL9 Dead Donated to Rail Museum of New England,Last Carbody F unit built by EMD
MNR 2040 NH 2034 PC/CR 5034 FL9AC Retired-Scrapped Rebuilt by ABB Republic 1991, scrapped at Croton East by FICX in 2005
MNR 2041 NH 2023 PC/CR 5023 FL9AC Retired-Scrapped Rebuilt by ABB Republic 1991,scrapped at Croton East by FICX in 2005
MNR 2042 NH 2022 PC/CR 5022 FL9AC Retired-Scrapped Rebuilt by ABB Republic 1992, scrapped at Croton East by FICX in 2005
MNR 2043 NH 2042 PC/CR 5042 FL9AC Retired-Scrapped Rebuilt by ABB Republic 1992, scrapped at Croton East by FICX in 2005
MNR 2044 NH 2020 PC/CR 5020, MNR 2004/509 FL9AC Retired-Scrapped Rebuilt by ABB Republic 1993, scrapped at Croton East by FICX in 2005
MNR 2045 NH 2043 PC/CR 5043, MNR 2015 FL9AC Retired-Scrapped Rebuilt by ABB Republic 1993, scrapped at Croton East by FICX in 2005
MNR 2046 NH 2056 PC/CR 5056 FL9AC Dead (Hit boulder, bent frame) Rebuilt by ABB Republic 1993, scrapped at Croton East by FICX in 2005


(c) 1997-2008 ALAN SCHENKEL