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Lakeshore Model Railroaders' Association

Lakeshore Model Railroaders' Association

***Please visit our new website at***

Lakeshore Model Railroaders' Association is a model railroad club with a large HO scale layout under construction at 3411a Lake Shore Boulevard, Etobicoke (near 31st Street) in Toronto, and runs the spring and fall L.M.R.A. Flea Markets - at 20,000 square feet the largest model train flea markets in Canada.

On Monday October 5, 2009 from 7 to 9 pm the club had the first open house for our large new 25 x 50� double deck HO scale layout that circles the room with a large centre island. A good sized crowd attended.

The layout was also part of the CARM   2010 Canadian Railway Convention layout tour, open the afternoon of May 22, 2010.

New members are welcome. Join and help build our layout.

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(C) Copyright LMRA 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. Page created 2009/02/15. Updated 2011/02/12. All rights reserved.
You may copy LMRA Flea Market flyers, maps and forms to attend it or promote it.