Slim & Stumpy on 1:1 railWhat is going on here?
Slim and Stumpy visit:
Doc Patti�s Winged Foot & Western
in New Jersey
Phil Creer�s Toenail Ridge Shortline in Australia
John Crandall�s Big Yawn & Overbite in Colorado
Warren Stirling�s Hungry Creek & Long Pass in New Zealand
Grant Alexander�s Squirrel Valley Railway in New Zealand
The Lazy Acre RR in a Y2K Adventure
Konrad Richter�s Lakes Sand & Lumber Co. in New Jersey
Carl Tobin�s North Pacific Coast RR in Oregon
Richard Smith�s Port Orford Coast RR in Oregon
John Crandall�s Piute Lumber Co. in Colorado
The Del Oro Pacific Railroad in California
The 2001 East Coast Large Scale Train Show in York PA
Stan Cedarleaf�s Prescott Canyon Southern Garden RR in Arizona
The NH Garden RR Society�s modular layout in York PA
Want Slim and Stumpy to have an adventure on your railroad? E-mail me at to make arrangements. $16.00 (their value plus s&h),
photos of their visit (JPEGs please), and some info about your railroad is all
that is needed. I�ll do the rest. Keep them, or return them for a $12.00 refund.
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