KENTUCKY & INDIANA MODEL RAILROAD CLUB MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Today's date _____/______/________ Applying for: ______Regular Membership ($180.00/yr) ______Youth Membership ($90.00/yr) Payment date ______/______/_______ CK# _________ Amount $____________ Full Name_______________________________________________________________________________ (last) (first) (middle) Your home phone (_______) _______-__________ Your cell phone (______)_______-__________ Your e-mail address ______________________________________________ Your mailing address (street or PO Box) ________________________________________________ City__________________________State___________________ZIP_________________________ Nickname (if you use one)________________Birth mm/yyyy___________Birthplace___________ Married? _____Yes ______No Spouse's name (if yes) _______________________________ Special talents or expertise___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Favorite Railroad(s)_________________________________________________________________ Preferred modeling era in time__________________________ Scale__________________________ My K&I Mentor is _________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE______________________________________________Date _______/_______/_______
I acknowledge that with submission of this form and payment of my first month's dues I am beginning a
six-month probationary period, during which time I will be expected to participate in club activities and
events as frequently as my schedule and lifestyle allow, become familiar with the club's members,
methods, and history, and pay annual dues and a layout enhancement fee. I understand that should my
participation in club activities during this probationary period be insufficient, inadequate, or
un-satisfactory, my candidacy may be suspended or terminated by the club's Superintendent. I realize that
my membership in the K&I requires a majority vote of the members present at a duly-convened monthly
business meeting, and that to be considered I must make myself familiar to those who will consider my
candidacy. Upon successful completion of my probationary period, I will confirm my commitment to the
K&I by making written application and attending my confirmation. I understand that membership in the
K&I is contingent upon membership in the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) and that a
lapse in NMRA membership automatically terminates my K&I membership. Finally, I understand that
dues and fees (including current $25.00 layout enhancement fee and $100 initiation fee (within 6
months)) once paid are not refundable for any reason.
Submit this application and a check made payable to: Kentucky & Indiana Model Railroad Club to: Ed Brennan, Treasurer, K&I Model Railroad Club 9410 Habersham Drive Louisville, KY 40242-2312 PLEASE SAVE A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS Current: September 2012