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How to join Kentucky Rail Task Force


How to join the Kentucky-Indiana Rail Advocates

We would love to have you become a part of our group of rail supporters. Its as easy as one , two, three.

Our dues are $10.00 per year and includes a membership card which entitles you to discount admissions on our Flamingo Dinner Trains and selected activities sponsored by the Tennessee Association of Rail Passengers. As a member you will receive notices of all bi monthly meetings and locations, upcoming events, our quarterly news letter and a bonus membership in the Tennessee Association of Rail Passengers as well.

Please complete the following form and mail to Kentucky Indiana Rail advocates and make your check payable to the

Kentuckiana Rail Task Force
Post Office Box 576
Louisville, Kentucky 40201

Name _____________________________________________ Address____________________________________________ City______________________ State_________ Zip________ Telephone_________________ Age__________ E mail address____________

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