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TransitNOW, Kenosha County boost K-R-M

Local support for K-R-M trains in Kenosha is growing from longstanding support by County of Kenosha and Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce.

County Exec Allan Kehl again urges K-R-M to MilwaukeeThroughout his four-plus years as county executive, Allan Kehl has endorsed and worked to achieve extension of commuter trains northward from the Kenosha station, a two-block walk from County offices.
Mister Kehl adopted a far-sighted persepective as he commented on co-operation among governments, even with Illinois towns, cities and counties -- on "regionalism." Kehl said, "Either you are part of it, or you're not. If you're not, you're forgotten, and some times communities die because of that.
"This community ... want[s] to see it move forward."

CoryAnn St. Marie-Carls is enthused about K-R-MKenosha Area Chamber of Commerce also has been a long-time supporter of improved commuter train service for Kenosha, and has supported K-R-M extension of commuter train service to that purpose. Ms. CoryAnn St. Marie-Carls, executive director of Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce (shown in a file phto from KACC), predicted K-R-M commuter trains could help break down traditional barriers separating lakeshore cities. She described the prospect of trains linking Milwaukee and Chicago to Kenosha as one element in making and keeping Kenosha a "modern city, and that's exciting."
Located so conveniently to both larger metropolises makes Kenosha a top-rank canddiate for attracting modern, young professionals to work and live here, she said.

Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce file photo

<== | Business and clean air advocates join forces for K-R-M | 1 | 2 | page 3 | =home=>

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