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The transformers for the Power Plant under construction.
One painted, one unfinished. Both were scratch built from Plastruct
Joe Barcia working on a fitting for the Power Plant
The site of construction, the concrete base layed has
been "poured" already
The "unscenerized" layout of the Power Plant
A close-up shot
Here it is, completed and sceniced
The finished scenery around the Power Plant and above
the tunnel descending the Helix
The completed Power Plant. Notcie the tilt? Well, we
nick named the Transformer grid "the leaning tower of the
JLS Railroad" (we really didn't, we named
it something else, but I'd probably get in trouble if I posted
it's real name). Since then, the problem has been corrected
and the Plant looks great, thanks to Chris Lusardi, a member of
our club who was incharge of correcting the "tilt".