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Long Island Garden Railway Society Inc.
Club Events

Little Guy This Archive Last Updated: 3/12/05 Little Guy

Club Events...








Moving Passenger Train

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What to expect:

Each page has an assortment of pictures in their respective categories. You will see thumbnail views 200 pixels wide averaging 10 to 20k each. Click anyone of the small pictures to view a larger version of it, usually 50 to 120k and 500 pixels wide. Some pages have many pictures, so, download times might average a minute or two, but be patient, it's well worth the wait.

If anyone would like the full, original version of the picture: 500 to 800k and 800 to 1200 pixels wide, please contact me and I'll send it out. I couldn't post the full sized version because download times would be ridiculous, but, I'm happy to send them out! My archive has over 4000MB of photos.

Any and all pictures with the water mark ©JLS Railroad, are the property of the JLS Railroad and Long Island Garden Railway Society Inc., using them on your site and calling them your own is strictly forbidden. If you would like to use them, please ask first.

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