HEW Operating Manual
The Hewitson Engine Works'
Operating Manual
Preparing for Operations:
- 1: Check that the engine is in the crate.
- 2: Check that the track is still there.
- 3: Check coal supply.
- 4: Check water supply.
- 5: Place locomotive on track.
- 6: Check for loose or missing parts.
- 7: Put oil in all visible holes.
- 8: Fill lubricator.
Steam Raising
- 1: Fill boiler to half glass.
- 2: Fill firebox with a mixture of charcoal
and alcohol.
- 3: Put auxiliary blower in position.
- 4: Light fire and turn on blower at same
- 5: Add more charcoal.
- 6: Extinguish fire in charcoal container.
- 7: Add coal.
- 8: Turn off blower before superheater
return bends burn off.
- 9: Add coal.
- 10: Check operation of hand pump.
- 11: Add coal.
- 12: Check injector.
- 13: Make sure spectator is peering over
the boiler when safety valves blow.
Starting Train
- 1: Couple riding car to locomotive.
- 2: Sit on riding car.
- 3: Blow whistle twice.
- 4: Put salve on burns.
- 5: Open cylinder drain cocks.
- 6: Put lever in full forward position.
- 7: Open throttle.
- 8: Duck flying cinders.
- 9: Close throttle before wheels wear
grooves in rail.
- 10: Move scalded spectators to hospital.
- 11: Release brakes.
- 12: Open throttle gently.
- 13: Close cylinder drain cocks.
- 14: Enjoy open road.
- 15: Add more coal before all motion stops.
Stopping Train
- 1: Blow whistle three times.
- 2: Close throttle.
- 3: Apply brake on riding car.
- 4: Yell to avoid following train from
ramming you.
Emergency Stop
- 1: Put both feet down firmly on ground --
if coupling does not break, this will also stop the
Note: High leather boots should be worn
to avoid breaking ankles.
Backing Train
- 1: Blow whistle three times, when
- 2: Put lever in full reverse position.
- 3: Open throttle gently.
- 4: Keep sharp lookout for approaching
Note: Avoid overbalancing when looking back
and firing locomotive.
- 5: Be prepared to move lever to forward
position to reverse direction of travel.
Engine Disposal
- 1: Try to get a volunteer to dump fire.
- 2: Separate engine and tender.
- 3: Dump fire.
- 4: Put out grass fire caused by hot ashes.
- 5: Attach a length of rubber tube to
blowdown valve discharge pipe.
- 6: Open blowdown valve. Rubber tube
will result in spectators being sprayed with hot water.
- 7: Wipe engine and apply oil with cloth.
- 8: Turn tender upside down to empty coal
and water.
- 9: Pick up firing tools, tank cap and hand
pump lever.
- 10: Push engine up and down track with
cylinder drain cocks open and in full gear to clear
cylinders of condensate.
This list is issued to all owners of Hewitson locomotives.
c. Jack Hewitson, used with permission.