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Milwaukee Road

Milwaukee Road

Under Construction

This months most wanted list
1.Pictures of Skytop Observation cars
2.Pictures of Beaver Tail Parlor cars
3.Pictures of Super Dome cars
If you can help E-Mail me at: skytop45@yahooTitle E-Mail Hiawatha

Milwaukee Road theme song
Milwaukee music

Updated 1/9/01: New News: All Links on the passenger page completed.
Updated 3/12/01: New News: Photo walkthrough of a Super Dome.
Updated 12/20/01: New News: A few various Super Dome photos have been posted, along with a few others.
Updated 1/13/02: New News: "Coffee Creek" Restoration page uploaded, along with current photo of the car.
Updated 10/17/03: New News: After a hiatus of a nearly a year and a major computer crash, Im back and ready to update.
Updated 3/12/04: New News: I am back with new images and an update on the restoration of Coffee Creek which I toured today.

Passenger Cars

Tour The Olympian Hiawatha!

Online Gif Train Sets
Including The 1935, 1939 and Olympian Hiawathas!

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E-mail your thoughts or pictures to: skyotp45@yahoo.comTitle E-Mail Hiawatha

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