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Welcome "Students of the Iron Horse" !

....and Diesel, Juice (Electric & Traction), cable and air power !

It is with a sad heart that we must share the news that our founder Charles Cole passed away Saturdday August 12, 2023. Charlie was 93 years old having been born March 10, 1930 in Hampton Virginia. After graduating the University of Virginia Law School he later established a law practice here in Cobb County Georgia. Charlie and his first wife Pat, who proceeded him in death, founded our club The Georgia Society of Ferroequinologists in the late 1970's.
Charles was cremated with interment in Virginia.

New Norfolk Southern Headquarters in Atlanta

Check out this rail fan website!

We now have an Instagram account, for sharing photos and train related information.
You can access it via: Georgia Ferroequinologists
Enjoy browsing, and let us know your thoughts on this.

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Meeting Times & Location GSoF Meeting Programs & Events Places to Railfan GSoF Events History
Announcements, News & Tidbits Nearby Hobby & Craft Shops Potential Trips/Outings Local Organizations, Museums, NMRA, Clubs, Shows
Society By-Laws Rail Stories & Tales Railroading Websites Member Postings
Become a GSoF Member Membership & Finances Rail Facts Current GSoF Officers
Photo Gallery & Member Model RRs Memorial Page Contact The GSoF Ferroequinology is Fun

Read about your club's history, see current event schedules and club photos! Send us an idea for a program or clinic you would like to see at your club!
Never heard about Ferroequinology? Read below; browse around our website and become a Student of the Iron Horse!
Have you visited a railfan place in North Georgia? Please tell us about it and we can put it in our list of good places to visit.
Do you have a good knowledge of a railroading subject? If so we would like to hear from you about speaking to our Society. Go to CONTACT the GSoF and send us info!

    The Georgia Society of Ferroequinologists, Inc. is a railroading club organized to discuss and enjoy railroading and trains, from prototype to models, in a social environment. It is a family club, with ALL members of a family welcome to participate.

    The organization was founded in 1979 (2020 is our 42nd year as a club!) as the Cobb County Society of Ferroequinologists, and members have met monthly since then to talk and enjoy trains. Our name was changed in the mid 1980s when we were incorporated in the state of Georgia. Our meetings are held on 2nd Friday nights of the month in Marietta, Georgia. At these meetings we discuss Society business and enjoy a program, usually presented by a rail transportation business person from the North Georgia area, or one of our own members that relates a wonderful rail experience.

    What exactly is a "Ferroequinologist" ??? The word "Ferroequinologist" first saw use as far back as 1966 in England, and is becoming more commonplace in the railroading hobby. The word is made from several parts:

    Ferro: Latin for Iron,
    equine: a horse,
    ologist: one who studies

    Or, a person who studies the Iron Horse! Ferroequinologists "study" the Iron Horse by gathering, discussing and sharing information on railroading, modeling, trips and events. (This is also known as the science of Ferroequinology.) Lucius Beebe also used the term "Ferrophilia" mening the love of the iron horse, or trains. Ferroequinologists also frequent railroad museums, ride trains, collect railroad artifacts (a/k/a "Railroadiana"), photograph trains, and may even build models. Often these people are referred to as "Railfans" or "Rail Buffs," and the modelers 'Microferroequinologists'!

    The GSoF sponsors outings to local (and some distant) places to ride rail, visit rail museums or view rail industrial sites.

    We invite you to a GSoF activity, be a member, and share in our fun!

Copyright 2024/2025 by the Georgia Society of Ferroequinologists, Inc.
While a generous effort has been made to present accurate materil in this website, we are human (although some of us may argue that opinion) and occasionally do make mistrakes. If you have issues with the content of this website, please see the "CONTACT" section in the site navigation menu above, and provide to us substaintiated corrections. Thank you.
Last updated: December 2024 Free