Updated 20/12/19
We are an informal group in the southern part of Sydney, Australia, who meet irregularly to indulge in our addiction to 45mm gauge garden railways. Some of us have been addicted for years while others have only just been bitten by the bug.
We meet in members' yards, not to cure each other but to pander to our addiction by discussing building methods, playing trains, eating, drinking, playing trains, etc etc.
So if you live in southern Sydney, (not just the Shire) why not join us? > email Greg.
To see the epic video of the GRASSLANDER train travelling across all our layouts
Bryan passed away in January 2015. We miss his humour and great modelling skills, not just in trains but in planes and boats too. Hopefully Bryan's memory lives on in the pictures on these pages. Thanks Mate.
Some members have web pages for their railways and these are linked below. Those members without websites, have some pictures of their lines further down the page. Just click on the website names below.
****click here to see photo Gallery of our running days****
Greg Hunter - operates the Sandstone and Termite railway in Loftus.
S&TR website
Mark Hobbs - is the owner of the Turrella Tramway at Kirrawee.
T T website
Keith Lindsay
- runs the Bottle Creek Tramway at Heathcote.
Geof Coleman - runs the Barron Tableland Railway at Oyster Bay.
BTR web site
Brian Coppock - operated the Wiregrass railway in Engadine. Sadly it is no more.
We welcome an 'Associate Member' from UK. Rik Bennett - who runs the Peckforton Light Railway.
PLR Blog
Two GRASS members have visited the PLR and experienced Rik's hospitality.
Links to Youtube videos of meeting days
22/11/19 running at Keith's.
26/8/19 Last trains to Ti-tree.
22/5/19 trains at Geof's.
13/2/19 Geof and Greg run on SaTR.
View ofthe SaTR from a drone.
a lizard plays 'chicken' at Keiths.
2/4/18 running at Greg's.
21/2/18 Trains at Geof's.
Latest changes .....
Dec 2019 .... Geof made changes to allow an easier continuous run for his grandkids.
Sept 2019 ..... Greg removed all the track around the yard through Ti-tree station.
December 2017.... Keith removed a part of his track to reduce the work of maintaining it.
April 17, 2014..... We had a working bee at Bryan's to clean up his yard, level out his track and reduce his line to a manageable length. Pictures in the Gallery.
December 2013....We have a new member. Terry has joined us to run his one and only live steamer.
July 18, 2012........running at Keith's in the winter sun. see video and pics on Gallery page
November 28, 2011..A busy day at Greg's
April 14, 2011......A great run day at Keith's
August, 2010.......Keith's new track arrangements plan
July 31, 2010......Visit by Andrew Simpson and Graeme Price
Easter 2010........Easter run and BBQ
Mar 13, 2010.......Derailments at Sandstone & Termite
Mar 10, 2010.......New pics of live steam at Keith's, in Gallery. Includes a video.
Jan 20, 2010.......New pics in Gallery of run day
August 1, 09.......New pics in Gallery of run day today
July 13, 09........New plan of Bryan's track additions
March 7,09.........Gallery pages updated
Sep 14, 08.........Bryan's new continuous run track plan updated
Aug 17, 08.........New photo Gallery page started to display photos from Run Days
Aug 13, 08.........Bryan's new reversing loop added
May 1, 08..........Geof Coleman's new website added
Feb 9, 08...........A busy day on Keith's layout, and Geof's new B12 1/2 loco
Dec 8, 07.......Geof's opening of stage 2 of his line.
Keith Lindsay's Bottle Creek Tramway
Plan of the Bottle Creek Tramway. click to enlarge.
Some of the pictures below are of scenes that have passed into history.
Keith's latest creation - a NSWGR 40 class. From an Aristocraft RS3. Keith added a 3rd axle to each bogie - see below.
Keith's A Malcolm-Moore shunter. An Aristo block and 3 AA cells and a switch.
A busy Run day on Keith's layout. Mark's Thoroughbred diesel (red) and Bryan's RS3 cross at Pine Creek.
Keith's A class and the S&TR's similar model doublehead up an S&TR grade.
The Climax factory, made from corrugated plastic sheeting.
Climax #1 leads the S&TR A class and Keith's B class in a most unusual triple header
The PB15 coming through the cutting at the back of the line.
The live steam Fowler is 'lurking' through the undergrowth.
Fowler and train on Hebel viaduct
Live steam Fowler at Bottle Creek station, with Keith's scratchbuilt carriages.
Keith's tiny diesel shunter is radio controlled!
A view of the garden, with the train at Maple station.
Three of Keith's scrathbuilt Innisfail carriages at Bottle Creek.
Keith's model of a Queensland PB15 (1924) Based on a Bachmann Big Hauler. Battery powered and remote controlled by Keith, with original Bachmann sound.
Another view of the PB15
click here to read how Keith made this model.
The railway was named for the grass which invades Bryan's tracks. It was mainly built above ground. Bryan liked big diesels, and had many battery powered locos with remote control using model plane controllers. Before his death many of his locos found new homes on our layouts.
Brian never seemed to stop working - there was always new track to be seen.This was the plan in 2009.
RIP Bryan and the Wiregrass Railway.
the new LiCE train on the new loop (Aug08)
the Master himself directing operations at Notty Ash.
3 pics of Bryan's diesels visiting the S&TR
Bryan's diesel shunter. The 'ropes' are the RC aerial
Here are 3 views of the railway in April 2007.
Brian's beautiful scratchbuilt model of an early Garratt. It's battery/RC control.
An old view of Notty Ash station with tram line at right (now removed).
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