Scroll down for various models in the roster. Photos of each unit are at the bottom of the page. |
Model: EMD GPTEB-C Slug - 4 units
0 hp cab control slug for use with GP22ECO-M, on 4 axles.
Number: |
Owner: |
Unit: |
Built: |
At: |
New Build
Date: |
Number: |
Notes: |
KCSM 400 |
KCS de Mexico |
GWWR 4095 |
Sep. 1969 |
MPI Boise |
c. Jan. 2010 |
Mexico |
1, 2, A, B |
KCSM 401 |
KCS de Mexico |
GWWR 4098 |
Aug. 1969 |
MPI Boise |
c. Jan. 2010 |
Mexico |
1, 2, A, B |
KCSM 402 |
KCS de Mexico |
KCS 1902 |
Oct. 1969 |
MPI Boise |
c. Dec. 2009 |
Mexico |
1, 2, C, D |
KCSM 403 |
KCS de Mexico |
GWWR 2037 |
Oct. 1969 |
MPI Boise |
c. Jan. 2010 |
Mexico |
1, 2, E, F |
General Notes:
1. Units converted at MotivePower in Boise, ID. Cores arrived in late 2008/early 2009, and the finished slugs were released in late 2009 and early 2010.
2. Build dates from UMLER listings for the group.
A. Core unit for KCSM 400-401 provided by Bill Miller. At some point they were checked for frame numbers as well, but I don't have verification of when this was done.
B. Slug 400, paired with mother 2503, and 401, paired with 2402, were released from MPI in late December 2009.
C. CORE UNIT POOL 1. Previous unit information IS NOT VERIFIED, and could be incorrect. It is based on documentation of the group of locomotives used, and is subject to change. The GPTEB-C locomotives were converted using GP38’s with regular cabs and standard dynamic brakes. These units are identified for my purposes as POOL 1. Note that ANY OF THE UNITS in pool 1 could be the core for this unit. Pool includes KCS 1902, KCS 1921, and GWWR 2000, and GWWR 2037. I only had room for one unit's history, so I took the first one on the list. As noted below, the 2037 is believed to be the 403, so it's covered separately.
D. KCSM 402 and 2400 released in Sept. 2009 and tested at TTCI in Pueblo, CO before delivery.
E. Core unit for the 403 is listed as KCS 2037, which is a number that doesn’t exit. It is presumed that this is meant to be GWWR 2037, which was present at MPI and stripped for conversion in May 2009, but this is not confirmed. It is still possible that the core for this unit could be another locomotive in Pool 1
F. Slug 403 and mother KCSM 2404 were still at MPI as of Feb. 2010.
Number |
Core Unit
Number |
Core Unit
Model |
Date |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Notes |
KCSM 400 |
GWWR 4095 |
EMD GP38-3 |
Sep. 1969 |
35403 |
7191-100 |
PC 7774 |
CR 7774 |
CMNW 7774 |
CMNW 2028 |
GWWR 2028 |
A, B |
KCSM 401 |
GWWR 4098 |
EMD GP38-3 |
Aug. 1969 |
35392 |
7191-89 |
PC 7763 |
CR 7763 |
CMNW 7763 |
CMNW 2024 |
GWWR 2024 |
A, C |
KCSM 402 |
KCS 1902 |
EMD GP38-2 |
Oct. 1969 |
35435 |
7191-132 |
PC 7806 |
CR 7806 |
GMNW 7806 |
GMNW 2043 |
GWWR 2043 |
D, E |
KCSM 403 |
GWWR 2037 |
EMD GP38 |
Oct. 1969 |
35426 |
7191-123 |
PC 7797 |
CR 7797 |
CMNW 7797 |
CMNW 2037 |
GWWR 2037 |
F |
A. KCSM 400 and 401 previous unit information from the Kansas City Southern Historical Society’s NAFTA rosters (http://www.kcshs.org/schedule/subs/images/rosters/locos.htm), and from research provided by Bill Miller.
B. In addition to the five numbers listed (which are in sequential order from the first), GWWR 4095 also carried the number KCS 2002:2, which was a temporary renumber for its trip to MPI. After its arrival, it was renumbered GWWR 4095 again. Originally an EMD GP38, rebuilt by NRE in 1999 as a GP38-3. From KCSHS and Bill Miller.
C. Final numbers for GWWR 4098 are KCS 2002:3 and KCS 2005:2, before being numbered GWWR 4098. Why all of the hasty renumberings, I can’t answer. Information provided by research by Bill Miller, and the KCSHS.
D. Core unit histories for these units from the Kansas City Southern Historical Society's KCS Rosters (http://www.kcshs.org/schedule/subs/images/rosters/locos.htm).
E. Additional information for KCS 1902: Built by EMD as a GP38, rebuilt by NRE in 1999 as a GP38-3. Additional numbers: GWWR 4092, KCS 1902. From the KCS HS rosters.
F. Core unit history for GWWR 2037 from the Kansas City Southern Historical Society's KCS NAFTA Rosters (http://www.kcshs.org/schedule/subs/images/rosters/locos.htm).
Model: EMD GP22ECO-M - 5 units
2,150 hp single engine ECO locomotive, engine: 1 - EMD 8-719G3A-T2, on 4 axles. Slug mother for GPTEB-C slugs.
Number: |
Owner: |
Unit: |
Built: |
At: |
New Build
Date: |
Number: |
Notes: |
KCSM 2400 |
KCS de Mexico |
KCS 2908 |
Sep. 1974 |
MPI Boise |
c. Dec. 2009 |
Mexico |
1, A, B |
KCSM 2401 |
KCS de Mexico |
KCS 2907 |
May. 1975 |
MPI Boise |
c. Jan. 2010 |
Mexico |
1, A, C |
KCSM 2402 |
KCS de Mexico |
KCS 2909 |
Feb. 1975 |
MPI Boise |
c. Jan. 2010 |
Mexico |
1, A, D |
KCSM 2403 |
KCS de Mexico |
KCS 2914 |
Jul. 1975 |
MPI Boise |
c. Jan. 2010 |
Mexico |
1, A, D |
KCSM 2404 |
KCS de Mexico |
KCS 2920 |
Sep. 1975 |
MPI Boise |
c. Jan. 2010 |
Mexico |
1, A, E |
General Notes:
1. Units converted at MotivePower in Boise, ID. Cores arrived in late 2008/early 2009, and the finished GP22ECOs were released in mid-2009.
2. Build dates from UMLER listings for the group.
A. CORE UNIT POOL 2. Previous unit information IS NOT VERIFIED, and could be incorrect. It is based on documentation of the group of locomotives used, and is subject to change. The GP22ECO-M mother locomotives were converted using GP40-2LW’s with Canadian safety cabs and extended range dynamic brakes. These units are identified for my purposes as POOL 2. Note that ANY OF THE UNITS in pool 2 could be the core for this unit.
B. After delivery in Sept. 2009, KCS 2400 and 402 were sent to TTCI in Pueblo, CO for testing before being forwarded to KCSM in Mexico.
C. KCSM 2401 departed Boise in early Dec. 2009 without a slug. Unit appeared briefly on UP in Texas, but appears not to have been used.
D. KCSM 2402 paired with slug 401, and mother 2403 paired with slug 400, departed MPI Boise in late Dec. 2009.
E. Mother KCSM 2404 and slug 403 were still at MPI as of Feb. 2010.
Number |
Core Unit
Number |
Core Unit
Model |
Date |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Notes |
KCSM 2400 |
KCS 2908 |
EMD GP40-2LW |
Sep. 1974 |
A3069 |
CN 9491 |
KCS 4721 |
KCS 2919 |
A |
KCSM 2401 |
KCS 2907 |
EMD GP40-2LW |
May. 1975 |
A3229 |
CN 9594 |
KCS 4709 |
KCS 2907 |
A |
KCSM 2402 |
KCS 2909 |
EMD GP40-2LW |
Feb. 1975 |
A3170 |
CN 9535 |
KCS 4711 |
KCS 2909 |
A |
KCSM 2403 |
KCS 2914 |
EMD GP40-2LW |
Jul. 1975 |
A3232 |
CN 9597 |
KCS 4716 |
KCS 2914 |
KCS 3014 |
A |
KCSM 2404 |
KCS 2920 |
EMD GP40-2LW |
Sep. 1975 |
A3264 |
CN 9269 |
KCS 4722 |
KCS 2920 |
A |
A. Core unit histories for these units from the Kansas City Southern Historical Society's KCS Rosters (http://www.kcshs.org/schedule/subs/images/rosters/locos.htm).
Model: EMD GP22ECO - 5 units
2,150 hp single engine ECO locomotive, engine: 1 - EMD 8-719G3A-T2, on 4 axles.
Number: |
Owner: |
Unit: |
Built: |
At: |
New Build
Date: |
Number: |
Notes: |
KCSM 2500 |
KCS de Mexico |
KCS 2953 |
Mar. 1979 |
MPI Boise |
c. Jun. 2009 |
Mexico |
1, A, C, D |
KCSM 2501 |
KCS de Mexico |
KCS 2960 |
Jun. 1979 |
MPI Boise |
c. Jun. 2009 |
Mexico |
1, A, C |
KCSM 2502 |
KCS de Mexico |
KCS 2968 |
Jun. 1979 |
MPI Boise |
c. Jun. 2009 |
Mexico |
1, A, C |
KCSM 2503 |
KCS de Mexico |
KCS 2957 |
Mar. 1979 |
MPI Boise |
c. Jun. 2009 |
Mexico |
1, A, C |
KCSM 2504 |
KCS de Mexico |
KCS 2918 |
Sep. 1975 |
MPI Boise |
c. Jun. 2009 |
Mexico |
1, B, E |
General Notes:
1. Units converted at MotivePower in Boise, ID. Cores arrived in late 2008/early 2009, and the finished GP22ECOs were released in June-July 2009.
2. Build dates from UMLER listings for the group.
A. CORE UNIT POOL 3. Previous unit information IS NOT VERIFIED, and could be incorrect. It is based on documentation of the group of locomotives used, and is subject to change. GP22ECO locomotives 2500-2503 were converted using GP40-3’s with standard cabs and extended range dynamic brakes. These units are identified for my purposes as POOL 3. Note that ANY OF THE UNITS in pool 3 could be the core for this unit.
B. Previous unit information for KCSM 2504 is based on documentation, but is not verified. There is a chance that the core for this locomotive could be another GP40-2LW from POOL 2 (see KCSM 2401-2404), and that the listed core could have gone to another of the GP22ECO-M’s.
C. KCSM 2500, 2501, 2502 and 2305 all departed MPI in Boise in late June or early July 2009 and were sent to Mexico.
D. After being sent to Mexico, KCSM 2500 returned to the US to turn some demonstration miles for EMD. Noted demos during 2009-2010 include CSX, System-wide (Nov. 2009); Alabama Southern RR, Tuscaloosa, AL (Dec. 2009); Iowa, Chicago & Eastern, Marquette Sub (Feb. 2010). Moving on TP&W/CP train in MN in late Feb. 2010.
E. KCSM 2504 is unique among the GP22ECO single units as it is the only one of the first order group to have a wide cab. All of its sisters have spartan cabs.
Number |
Core Unit
Number |
Core Unit
Model |
Date |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Notes |
KCSM 2500 |
KCS 2953 |
EMD GP40-3 |
Mar. 1979 |
786186-4 |
SLSF 753 |
BN 3043 |
KCS 4803 |
KCS 2953 |
A, B |
KCSM 2501 |
KCS 2960 |
EMD GP40-3 |
Jun. 1979 |
786186-11 |
SLSF 760 |
BN 3050 |
KCS 4810 |
KCS 2960 |
A, B |
KCSM 2502 |
KCS 2968 |
EMD GP40-3 |
Jun. 1979 |
786186-20 |
SLSF 769 |
BN 3059 |
KCS 4819 |
KCS 2968 |
A, B |
KCSM 2503 |
KCS 2957 |
EMD GP40-3 |
Mar. 1979 |
786186-8 |
SLSF 757 |
BN 3047 |
KCS 4807 |
KCS 2957 |
A, B |
KCSM 2504 |
KCS 2918 |
EMD GP40-2LW |
Sep. 1975 |
A3260 |
CN 9625 |
KCS 4720 |
KCS 2918 |
A |
A. Core unit histories for all five units from the Kansas City Southern Historical Society's KCS Rosters (http://www.kcshs.org/schedule/subs/images/rosters/locos.htm).
B. KCS 2953, 2957, 2960 and 2968 originally built by EMD as GP40-2’s, rebuilt by VMV in 1998 and reclassified as GP40-3. From the KCSHS rosters.
Model: EMD SD22ECO - 2 units
2,150 hp single engine ECO locomotive, engine: 1 - EMD 8-719G3A-T2, on 6 axles.
Number: |
Owner: |
Unit: |
Built: |
At: |
New Build
Date: |
Number: |
Notes: |
KCSM 2650 |
KCS de Mexico |
KCS 692 |
Jun. 1980 |
Metro East Ind |
Mar. 2009 |
20087089-1 |
Mexico |
1, A |
KCSM 2651 |
KCS de Mexico |
KCS 690 |
Jun. 1980 |
Metro East Ind |
c.Mar. 2009 |
Mexico |
1, B |
General Notes:
1. Units converted at Metro East Industries in East St. Louis, IL. Released in June 2009. From sightings by Mike and Mark Mautner.
A. Core units numbers from a listing provided by Sean Graham-White. Figuring out which core unit went to which ECO repower was fairly easy, as the KCS 692 had a standard-length short hood, while the KCS 690 had a lengthened “snoot” short hood.
B. KCSM 2650’s builder’s decal info from a photo by Mike Mautner.
Number |
Core Unit
Number |
Core Unit
Model |
Date |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Notes |
KCSM 2650 |
KCS 692 |
EMD SD40-3 |
Jun. 1980 |
786260-2 |
KCS 692 |
KCSM 2650 |
A |
KCSM 2651 |
KCS 690 |
EMD SD40-3 |
Jun. 1980 |
786259-2 |
KCS 690 |
KCSM 2651 |
B |
A. Both units originally built as SD40-2's by EMD. Core unit histories for 2650-2651 from the KCS Historical Society’s KCS Rosters. http://www.kcshs.org/schedule/subs/images/rosters/locos.htm.
Photos: (Click to enlarge)
KCSM 400
KCSM 401
KCSM 402
KCSM 403
KCSM 2400
KCSM 2401
KCSM 2402
KCSM 2403
KCSM 2404
Photos Coming Soon |
KCSM 2500
KCSM 2501
KCSM 2502
Photos Coming Soon |
KCSM 2503
Photos Coming Soon |
KCSM 2504
KCSM 2650
KCSM 2651