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The evolution of the GC & CD Railway

The GC & CD was started in 1982 and the following is a pictorial history of the development and major events in the life of the GC & CD Railway since its inception.

bar82_sml.jpg (30346 bytes) Barrington in 1982.



Chrisford in 1983 Chr83_sml.jpg (22931 bytes)


dan82_sml.jpg (28284 bytes) Dannyville in 1982


Barrington Control Panel 1985 bar85_sml.jpg (30276 bytes)


bar85a_sml.jpg (32685 bytes) Barrington in 1985, note the loop around the back of the goods yard, this was later removed when Hunterfield was built.


Barrington in 1989 bar89_sml.jpg (41830 bytes)


bar89a_sml.jpg (31731 bytes) Barrington motive power depot, 1989


Dannyville in 1989 dan89_sml.jpg (35931 bytes)


hun89_sml.jpg (29700 bytes) Hunterfield just after initial construction and prior to expansion in 1989


Fisher's Creek bridge prior to being replaced by a cross-over. (1989) xover89_sml.jpg (29287 bytes)


Expansion of Barrington and removal of the loop to Dannyville. (1991) const91_sml.jpg (38595 bytes)


const93_sml.jpg (48850 bytes) Inside the Barrington control panel prior to re-wiring (1993)

For current pictures, see the respective pages for each station, these can be found here:

                    Barrington, Chrisford, Dannyville, Hunterfield

Copyright © 1998-2010 GC & CD Railway. All rights reserved.
Revised: December 24 2010.