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Free-mo Module Variations

Standards & Recommended Practices
Module Variations


Also See
Free-mo Standards & Recommended Practices
Standards & Recommended Practices FAQ Page



Branchline Variations

Mini-mo Variations



[ S x.y, RP x.y, FAQ x.y, where x. and y are numbers - example: S2.15, F1.7, RP 5.11 ]

S = Standard. All Free-mo modules and participants must conform to the requirement/standard stated.

RP = Recommended Practice. These are procedures or specifications which are strongly encouraged for maximal reliability or fidelity.

BL = Branchline. Variation from the "Free-mo Standards & Recommended Practices" for Brachline Modules.

MM = Mini-mo. Variation from the "Free-mo Standards & Recommended Practices" for Mini-mo Modules.

FAQ = Frequently Asked Question/Answers which explain the reasoning behind a particular Standard or Recommended Practice.


Introduction (FAQ)

Free-mo Modules fall into three basic categories, see S1.5. This document is a supplement to the "Free-mo Standards & Recommended Practices". These are additional standards for Branchline and Mini-mo Modules. Branchline and Mini-mo modules must meet all the "Free-mo Standards & Recommended Practices" except for the exceptions below.


Branchline Modules

BL1.0 Branchline Introduction

BL1.1 Branchine modules follow all Free-Mo Standards with the following exceptions.

BL2.0 Frame and Legs (FAQ)

There are no variations or exceptions to the frame and legs for Branchline Modules


BL3.0 Track (FAQ)

BL3.1 Track on the through route of a Branchline Module may be less than Code 83 but shall be no less than Code 70. The module owner shall supply transition solutions to code 83 rail at the Free-mo compliant ends if needed. (FAQ 3.3)

BL3.2 Sidings, spurs and other tracks of a Branchline module may be less than code 70 but shall be no less than code 40.  

BL3.3 The minimum permitted curve radius on the through route of the through route of a Branchline Module may be less than 42 inches but shall be no less than 36 inches. This includes through track sidings and other tracks where through traffic will run.

BL3.4 Spacing between tracks on curves of a Branchline module shall allow for long cars to operate without fouling each other, observe; NMRA Standards S-8 Tack Centers for "Class I" equipment.

BL3.5 The maximum permitted grade on the through route of a Branchline Module is 4 percent (approximately 1/2 inch per foot). (FAQ 3.6)

BL3.6 Vertical curves on the through route of a Branchline Module shall be appropriate for Branchline operation of contemporary long cars, see
NMRA Standards S-7 Clearances,
Standard S-7 Clearances and the NMRA Gage, and
NMRA Recommended Practices RP-11 Curvature and Rolling Stock.


BL4.0 Wiring (FAQ)

BL4.1 Mini-mos modules, less than 3 feet in length, do not have to have throttle jacks mounted to the sides.


BL5.0 Control (FAQ)

There are no variations or exceptions to the controls for Branchline Modules


BL6.0 Scenery (FAQ)

There are no variations  or exceptions to the scenery for Branchline Modules


BL7.0 Glossary

There are no special glossary terms for Branchline Modules


BL8.0 Revision History (FAQ)

Free-mo Standards & Recommended Practices Revision History



Mini-mo Modules

MM1.0 Mini-mo Introduction

MM1.1 Mini-Mo modules follow all Free-Mo Standards with the following exceptions.


MM2.0 Frame and Legs (FAQ)

MM2.1 Mini-mo endplates are recommended to be 12 inches wide; however, they can be as small as 8 inches provided there is a minimum 4-inch spacing from the track centerline to the edge of the module. (FAQ 2.4)

MM2.2 Mini-mos must have legs for adjustment but do not need to stand on their own. (A Mini-mo might have one leg at each end). (FAQ 2.5)


MM3.0 Track (FAQ)

MM3.1 The track should be centered on the module end.


MM4.0 Wiring (FAQ)

There are no variations  or exceptions to the wiring for Mini-mo Modules


MM5.0 Control (FAQ)

There are no variations  or exceptions to the controls for Mini-mo Modules


MM6.0 Scenery (FAQ)

There are no variations  or exceptions to the scenery for Mini-mo Modules


MM7.0 Glossary

There are no special glossary terms for Mini-mo Modules


MM8.0 Revision History (FAQ)

Free-mo Standards & Recommended Practices Revision History


Page Last Updated 04/24/2007