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Easy Flush Mounted Turnout Controls

Easy Flush Mounted
Turnout Controls

   Here is a design for a flush mounted (recessed) push button switch. It is very simple and easy to make.

All you need is a 1 inch PVC threaded plug and a small push button switch. Drill a hole in the end of the plug for your switch.
Then drill a 1 1/4 inch hole in your frame. Screw the end plug into the hole and mount the switch in the plug. It will take some force with good large pliers to screw the plug in.

If you want to be really trick, buy a 1 inch pipe tap and tap the hole in the wood so the plug goes in easy.

Here is a view of the finished switch. The push button is totally recessed and protected.

If you want to be really trick, buy a 1 inch pipe tap and tap the hole in the wood so the plug goes in easy.

This picture show two different ways to mount the plugs.

On the left: I first drilled a 1 1/8 inch hold from the top just until the tip of the spade bit started to come through. I then drilled from the back with a 1/14 inch spade bit. I was very careful to keep everything lined up and did not drill all the way though. This left a small lip that the "tip" of the plug filled in very nice. This was not easy.

On the right: This is just a simple 1 1/4 inch hole. Notice how you can see the end of the threads. This is very quick and easy but not as neat.

I tried the left method and was not lined up right on a couple of hole. So I just drilled all the way through and changed to the right method.

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I screw the fitting through until it sticks out just a little all the way round. Then  I filled in around the edge with light weight spackle. I am not neat and I just use my finger.
push-button-07-800X600.jpg (214546 bytes) I then sanded the spackle and the fitting flush with the fascia.
  Add some paint and you have a very nice clean protected push button control.



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Page Last Updated 10/15/2005