History of the Depot & Trains
Fordsville... A Town, A Community, A Home
Fordsville, Ohio County, Kentucky was founded about 1833. It is said to be the second oldest town in Ohio County. Hartford, County seat of Ohio County was incorporated February 3, 1808, and Fordsville was incorporated March 18 1886. What is approximately now Kentucky was once two counties of Virginia. They were known as Ohio and Jefferson, with Rough River forming a boundary line between them. It is said Fordsville was previously in Ohio County, Virginia.
The earliest known settlers came here in 1790, seeking new homes west of the Allegheny Mountains. They were Moberley's. This was 25 years before Daniel Boone came to Kentucky for the first time and two years before Kentucky became a state. Elisha Ford, born in June 25, 1809... Was Fordsville's first store keeper, having a grocery and general store. His store, along with a one room log school and post office, stood on the corner where the John T. Smith one later stood. The late United States Senator from Kentucky Wendell Ford is a descendent of these Fords. What is now the Fordsville Post Office was established March 11, 1837 as Haynesville, Ohio County Kentucky Post Office. The Post Office at Fordsville was organized January 28, 1846 and it was named Fordsville in honor of Elisha Ford who changed the name Kelly Precinct to Fordsville on January 16, 1847. Elisha Ford served two terms in the House of Representatives and died in 1851
The Growth of Fordsville
The first hotel was built in Fordsville about 1880. It was operated by James Howard, and was known as the Howard Hotel. It was a large two story frame building that stood on the hill where the water tower now stands (atop Ridge Road). A large room in this hotel was used as a theater. Both local players and traveling stock companies presented plays and programs there. When Howard sold the hotel it became known as the May House after the name of its owners. Among other hotels in Fordsville were the Commercial Hotel on Main Street and The Johnson Hotel (sat across from the L&N Depot on Wallace Street which is now Ridge Road). Fordsville had a telephone operating in 1894, before the city of Owensboro had one. The line was from John Hale's home to his shop in Fordsville. He had a photography studio and also sold eye glasses and jewelry. He operated this from 1890 until 1925... It wasn't until the following spring a line was run from Owensboro and a telephone was placed in the hotel for public use. About a year later, Dudley Cooper Sr. had a telephone line from his home to the home of his parents who lived in the country near Fordsville. Dudley Cooper Sr. later owned the first telephone company. He had lines and post set from his drug store in Fordsville and was just beginning to operate when a a cyclone came and blew them all down. All of the work had to be redone. He later sold out to the Cumberland Telephone Company. Several years later the Princess Theater, one of the first motion picture houses in this part of the State was operated in Fordsville by Simon Smith. Mr. Smith later became postmaster in Owensboro. This theater had an elevated floor, opera seats and a nice curtained stage that was used for musical programs and local plays as well as movies. This theater was on Main Street near where the Bank of Fordsville is now. Electric lights came early to Fordsville, before most towns of this size had them. The light plant was home-owned and had a 25 horse power diesel engine that furnished the current. At first the current went off at 10PM at night... Later the current stayed on until 12AM but when we finally had current all day and all night it was something to boast about. In the past Fordsville had four newspapers. First was the Fordsville Independent in 1890, second was the Fordsville Star published as early as 1894, another was the Fordsville Phonograph in 1905... the fourth was the Fordsville Argonaut... that covered the news of three counties: Ohio, Breckinridge and Hancock Counties. Fordsville has had three major fires. One was in 1916 when the Olla Wilson Store burned spreading across the street... The second fire was in 1935 when stores from Ill Parks corner store to Olla Cobbs burned. The post office burned in this fire... A third fire burned Sutton's store in 1961. The fact that Fordsville now had water and that all building from former fires had been replaced by brick saved this third fire from spreading.
The Oil "Boom" in Fordsville
In 1928 through 1937 Fordsville was a center for crude oil activities, and for many years thereafter oil was being produced from these wells. This oil in many instances was found as shallow as 250 feet and even less. It was found in the first Jett sand, making cost of producing it much less than ordinary. Later these wells were flooded with water which causes the sand to yield practically all the oil. For awhile after doing this these wells produced in a great way... During the oil boom, cafes sprang up and remained open all night. Boarding houses and rooming houses did a big business. The Fuqua and Jones Bus Lines became an important and busy part of the thriving community.
Fordsville's Continued Growth
Fordsville went through a series of rapid changes from 1950 on for about 20 years. Most al the changes were great improvements. Many spoke of Fordsville as a reborn town... A water system got underway cost $300,00 for a modern water system project which was badly needed by the town of 600... The water system included a 20 acre lake and a water plant... and distribution system... 100,000 gallon tank and fire hydrants for the town.
A new recreation park consisting of 34 acres on Highway 54 was built in 1968. The Lions Club held horse shows and rodeos here. Competitive ball games were held as well as church groups, family picnics and reunions. The annual Lions Club Horse Show was held on the grounds of Fordsville School for several years but in 1969 the was held at the Lions Club's Park.
One of Fordsville's largest businesses was (and is) Dunaway Timber Company which as of 1981 employed about 100 people. He had a barrel, stave and heading mill in 1955... Dunaway Timber Company is the largest pulp wood producer in the state of Kentucky... (another large employer Kimball's International came to Fordsville in 1974)