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Woodruff Train Log and Photos--7/13-7/14/00


FOLKSTON GA JULY 13-14, 2000

Brian and I actually arrived in Folkston Thursday evening (7/13), as we were
going to have to leave early Sunday morning due to a prior engagement back
in Largo, and we wanted a full opportunity to waste as much film and tape as
possible. So, if anyone's the slightest bit interested, here's what we saw
before Alex began his stellar reporting job -

All photos by Mike Woodruff except as noted.


1800 Q453
EMDX SD70M 7015
CSX SD40-2 8002
SB mixed freight

1810 Q120
CSX C44-8W 9006
CSX SD40-2 8445
CSX C44-8W 9023
NB intermodal

1840 Q458
CSX C40-8W 7866
CSX SD60 8704
CR SD60I 8724
CSX MP15 1176 (working hard, not DIT!)
NB mixed freight

1855 N171
CSX AC4400CW 150
SB OUCX loads

1900 A773
2 CSX B36-7s
NB mixed freight, cut off from train on #2 track at Martin St. and ran light
to switch
chip mill on Nahunta side

1910 Q605
CSX B40-8 5936
HLCX "SD40M-3" 6511
CSX B36-7 5802
CR B40-8 5950
SB mixed freight


0720 U105
CSX AC4400CW 85
CSX AC4400CW 389
NB SJRX empties

0740 Q126
missed power getting coffee & Egg McMuffins
NB intermodal

0750 Q606
UP SD40-2 3142
UP SD40-2 3432
HLGX C36-7E 6809
NB mixed freight

0825 A789
CSX B36-7 5829
CSX B36-7 5891
CSX B36-7 5XXX
CSX B36-7 579X
CR B40-8 5954
SB mixed freight

0840 Q173
CSX AC6000CW 5004
CSX AC6000CW 645
SB intermodal

0845 P091
Amtrak P42 76
Amtrak P42 39
SB "Silver Star" psgr

0905 Q601
CSX SD40-2 8165
ATGX C30-7 (BN paint) 5530
CSX B36-7 5869
SB mixed freight

Brian J. Woodruff photo

1050 Q650
CSX SD40-2 8200
CN GP40 6409
CEFX (ex-SP) SD45T-2 9333

NB mixed freight

Brian J. Woodruff photo
1100 Q121
CSX C44-8W 9043
CSX C40-8 7542
CSX C44-8W 9034
SB intermodal

1215 Q125
CSX C40-8W 7759
CSX SD40-2 8237
SB intermodal

1230 K440
CSX SD50 8548
CSX GP39-2 4309 (DIT)
NB phosphate and junk

not an actual lull, time out for a dip in the Western Motel pool, lunch and
a nap during high sun/bad photography time

1655 A773
CSX B36-7 5861
CSX B36-7 5810
NB mixed freight

1705 P098
Amtrak P40 817
NB "Silver Meteor" psgr

1715 Q458
CSX AC6000CW 5001 ("diversity" logo)
CSX C40-8W 7870
CSX B36-7 5881
NB mixed freight

1725 W014
CSX C30-7 7016
"Chessie" GP40 6605
NB empty welded rail train

1740 Q213
CSX C40-8 7624
HLCX C30-7 (ex-UP) 583
SB auto racks and TPIX empties

1800 Q120
CSX C44-8W 9005
CSX B40-8 5920
CSX C40-8W 7723
NB intermodal

heavy rain during this time, so went for a large pepperoni and mushroom at
Mikey's Pizza

2000 K652
CSX C40-8W 7818
CSX C40-8 7595
NB TPIX loads

2005 P052
Amtrak P40 833
Amtrak P40 840
NB "Auto Train" psgr

2010 Q455
CSX C44-8W 9015
CSX AC4400CW 53
CSX C40-8 7645
CSX C40-8W 7890
CSX SD40-2 8065
HLCX GP40 4414
SB mixed freight

2025 U141
SB LAKX loads

Darkness ends shooting for the day. Alex has the rest of the weekend
covered in his report.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Woodruff
Largo, FL

Alex' Train Log--7/15--7/16/00

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