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My HO scale

My HO scale

After my encounter with real trains on the ONR and playing with my grandfathers set which I now own and is mentioned below, I got a set of my own with CP FP7A 1412 in the pac man scheme with boxcar, hopper and caboose. The usual type of HO set. My grandfathers had Santa Fe F9 307 with boxcar, hopper and caboose. However, with my grandfathers set he went out and bought a tunnel which added an interesting perspective to a young railfan.

My Set

I got my first train set for Christmas in 1993 with a CP FP7A 1412 in the pac man scheme with boxcar, hopper and caboose. The next Christmas I got some more tracks and two switches. I was able to accomadate my set and my grandfathers on the same layout, as long I had them spaced out!


Grandfathers Set

From what I understand it was purchased around 1983 for my oldest cousin Scott to play with for whenever he came up to Cochrane, so that he would have something to play with. When my grandparents moved from Cochrane to Tara (a village 20 minutes away from Owen Sound) the train set was handed over to me, so within 2 years I had gone from playing with one once every so often, to two daily! As I said above, the set had a Santa Fe F9 307 with boxcar, hopper and caboose as most starter sets do.


These pictures are of buildings and crossings and anything else that adds interest to a layout.

This crossing has been through a lot in 12 years. however I have managed to keep the heads on them!

My station, not in bad condition at all for being 12 years old

My grandfathers tunnel, its basically styrofoam. And everytime you put it up you need to piece it together.

Last updated: Wednesday, January 4, 2005