I Want to join ESPA to improve passsenger service and add my voice to
YES transportation planning in New York State. Dues include subscription
to the state association publication, ESPA Express. (Dues are not tax
_ _ _
Enclose: |_| $10.00 Introductory |_| $30.00 Family |_| $75.00 Patron
|_| $24.00 Renewal |_| $50.00 Sustaining |_|$100.00 Corporate
|_| $12.50 Renewal (Student, Senior) |_|$300.00 Life
|_| $___________ other
NAME __________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________
___________________________ ZIP ____________ TELEPHONE HOME _______________
My Representative in Congress ___________________________ WORK _______________
_ _
|_| Renewal |_| New Mail to: ESPA
PO Box 434
Syracuse, New York 13209
|_| Please send me information on N.A.R.P., the National Association of
Railroad Passengers, to which many ESPA members belong.