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Jane's World Railways

The following data on the Eritrean Railway and Ropeway were extracted from several editions of Jane’s World Railways. The year is shown in the column heading. Several factors did not change. ‘

Data Item All Years
Gauge  0.95 m (37.4 in)
Route Length 306 km (191 mi.)
Track Length  355 km (221 mi)
Braking (Continuous) Nil
Couplers Buffer-coupling
Height above rails 605 mm (23.8 in)
Rails Weight  28/25 kg/m (56/50 lb/yd)
Sleepers (Crossties) Type Metal
Type  Metal
Spacing  1,222-1444/km(2012-2575/mi.) 
Gradient  3.5%
Axle Maximum Load 12.5 Tons
Freight (Avg Haul/Ton)  132.1 km (82.1 mi.)
Passengers 215,000
Distance Carried (Avg)  54.3 km (33.7 mi)
Note: Jane’s rounded to nearest 1/8 inch.  They had height above rales as 32-7/8.
Data Item 1966  1978 1980  1983-84 1995-96
Diesel Locomotives 3Hydraulic Line 
3 Shunting 
No Change Not in operation
since 1978
Steam Locomotives 17  8 Line 
10 Shunting 
No Change Not in operation
since 1978
Railcars  8  5  No Change Not in operation
since 1978
Passenger Cars 10  19 No Change Not in operation
since 1978
Freight Cars 506  565 No Change Not in operation
since 1978
Curvature 25.0°  60 m (230 ft ) No Change Not in operation
since 1978
Revenue  Eth$1,990,600  Eth$1,980,700 No Change Not in operation
since 1978
Expenses   Eth$2,011,000  Eth$2,557,200 No Change Not in operation
since 1978
 Note: 1966 revenue/expenses based upon an assumed value of $2.89 per pound Sterling and Eth$0.41=US$1.00 (Official rate 1961). Amount shown in Jane’s was 282.4/285.3 respectively.

1995-1996 Jane's says that the aim as to have the 117 km line between Massawa and Asmara open by late 1996. As of January 2000, the line had passed Embatkalla.



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