- Canadian Car Builders Series
- - John M. Mills - Upper Canada Railway Society / Ontario Electric Railway Historical Assoc., Toronto ON
- ==This series consists of three seperate volumes:
- ====- No. 1: Ottawa Car Company
- ====- No. 2: Preston Car & Coach Co.
- ====- No. 3: Miscellaneous Builders
- Fifty Years of Progressive Transit - A History of the Toronto Transit Commission
- - John F. Bromley and Jack May - Electric Railroaders' Assocation, New York NY, 1973, LCCCN 73-84892
- I Remember Sunnyside - The Rise & Fall of a Magical Era
- - Mike Filey - Dundurn Press, Toronto ON, 1996, ISBN 1-55002-274-1
- Lines of Country: An Atlas of Railway and Waterway History in Canada
- - Christopher Andreae - The Boston Mills Press, Erin ON, 1997, ISBN 1-55046-133-8
- Mind The Doors, Please! - A Story of Toronto and Its Streetcars
- - Larry Partidge - The Boston Mills Press, Erin ON, 1983, ISBN 0-919822-62-2
- Not A One Horse Town - 125 Years of Toronto and Its Streetcars
- - Mike Filey - Privately published, Toronto ON, 1986, ISBN 0-9691501-1-3
- Picture Story - Public Transportation In Toronto - Toronto Transportation Commission, Toronto ON
- "Passengers Must Not Ride On Fenders" - Filey / Howard / Weyerstrahs - Green Tree, Toronto ON, 1974
- PCC Cars of North America - Dr. Harold E. Cox - Community Press, 1963
- PCC From Coast to Coast - Fred W. Schneider III and Stephen P. Carlson - Interurban Press (Special 86),
- Glendale CA, 1983, ISBN 0-916374-57-2 / LCCCN 83-10661
- PCC The Car That Fought Back - Stephen P. Carlson and Fred W. Schneider III - Interurban Press (Special 64),
- Glendale CA, 1980, ISBN 0-916374-41-6 / LCCCN 80-81312
- Rails From The Junction - The Story of the Toronto Suburban Railway
- - James V. Salmon - Lyon Productions, Toronto ON, 1970
- Riding the Radials - Toronto's Suburban Electric Streetcar Lines
- - Robert M. Stamp - The Boston Mills Press, Erin ON, 1989, ISBN 1-55046-008-0
- Street Railways of Toronto 1861-1921 (Interurbans Special 25)
- - Louis H. Pursley - Interurbans / Ira L. Swett, Los Angeles CA, 1958
- Street Railways Toronto: 1861 to 1930
- - J. William Hood - co-published by Maps Project & the Eastern Canada Traction Club,
- Toronto ON, 1999, ISBN 1-894371-06-2
- Streetcar Builders of Canada - Volume One
- - William Bailey and Douglas Parker, CRHA, Montreal QC, 2002, ISBN: 0-9730219-0-X
- - The Ontario Car and Foundry Company
- - The Preston Car & Coach Company
- - The Tillsonburg Electric Car Company
- The Birney Car - Harold E. Cox
View a full copy of The Birney Car on-line, or the page listing the Toronto cars. Please note that each page is its own GIF file which may take a while to download depending on your computer's speed and the type of internet connection.
- The Intercity Electric Railway Industry in Canada
- - John F. Due - University of Toronto Press, Toronto ON, 1966
- The TTC Story - The First Seventy-five Years
- - Mike Filey - Dundurn Press, Toronto ON, 1996, ISBN 1-55002-244-X
- The Toronto Civic Railways - An Illustrated History
- - J. William Hood - Upper Canada Railway Society, Toronto ON, 1986, ISBN 0-921429-06-1
- The Toronto Trolley Car Story 1921-1961 (Interurbans Special 29)
- - Louis H. Pursley - Interurbans / Ira L. Swett, Los Angeles CA, 1961
- The Trolley Coach In North America (Interurbans Special 59)
- - Mac Sebree and Paul Ward - Interurbans / Ira L. Swett, Los Angeles CA, 1974, LCCCN 74-20367
- The Witts - An Affectionate Look At Toronto's Original Red Rockets
- - Larry Partidge - The Boston Mills Press, Erin ON, 1982, ISBN 0-919822-74-6
- Toronto Trolleys In Color

- - Kenneth C. Springirth - Morning Sun Books, Inc., Scotch Plains SC, 2010, ISBN 1-58248-281-0
- Transit in Toronto
- - Toronto Transit Commission, Toronto ON, 1967, no ISBN
- Transit in Toronto
- - Toronto Transit Commission, Toronto ON, 1969, ISBN unknown (hc), unknown (sc)
- Transit in Toronto
- - Toronto Transit Commission, Toronto ON, 1971, ISBN unknown (hc), unknown (sc)
- Transit in Toronto
- - Toronto Transit Commission, Toronto ON, 1976, ISBN unknown (hc), unknown (sc)
- Transit in Toronto
- - Toronto Transit Commission, Toronto ON, 1982, ISBN 0-9691148-0-X (hc), 0-9691148-1-8 (sc)
- Transit in Toronto
- - Toronto Transit Commission, Toronto ON, 1987, ISBN unknown (hc), unknown (sc)
- Transit's Stepchild The Trolley Coach (Interurbans Special 58)
- - Mac Sebree and Paul Ward - Interurbans / Ira L. Swett, Los Angeles CA, 1973, LCCCN 73-84356
- TTC '28 - The Electric Railway Services of the Toronto Transportation Commission in 1928
- - John F. Bromley - Upper Canada Railway Society, Toronto ON, 1968
- Wheels of Progress: A Story of the Development of Toronto and its Public Transportation Services
- - Toronto Transportation Commission, Toronto ON, Various years
NB: Many of the books listed above are no longer in print. They are shown here for the benefit of those who may be doing research. Libraries in the Toronto area would likely contain copies of most of these books. A check of used book stores, on-line book sellers such as,, Boston Mills, ERHA Bookstore, Farrell RR Books, J. Patrick Books, Transport Books, Vandewater Books, and the Seashore Trolley Museum On-line Store may yield a few of the books, magazines and publications listed. Some of the books listed above are available through the Halton County Radial Railway and at the museum gift shop. From time to time, copies of some of these books show up on eBay.
- 50 Years of the PCC Car in Toronto - #163 September 1988 page 6
- Peter Witt Streetcar No. 2300 - #82 June/Summer 1980 page 12
- The TTC starts up, and the Peter Witts' Introduction - #194 October 1991 page 9
- Toronto's Bay Carline - #83 September 1980 page 8
- Toronto's Big Snow of '44 - #226 December 1994 page 8
- Where From Did That Streetcar Come... - #88 February 1981 page 4
- Winding Its Way Into Our Hearts: A Brief History Of The Street Car In Toronto - #416 May-June 1990 page 102
- The End of PCC Street Car Service in Toronto - #450 January-February 1996 page 22
The Canadian Railroad Historical Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, published a newsletter that contained items pertaining to the Toronto public transit scene. An index of articles, and issues they were in, can be found at C.R.H.A. Archives and collections.
- The Toronto Transportation Commission Acquires Two Bus Companies - August 1927 page 487
- Conversion of Witt Cars to Pay-Enter-Type, by Toronto Transportation Commission - October 1932 page 521
- Improved Exterior Painting Scheme for T.T.C. Cars - August 1939
- Toronto Property Receives New P.C.C. Cars - March 1945 page 152
- Details of Toronto's Proposed Subway System - April 1945 page 205
- More Canadian Car-Brill Buses for Toronto - January 1947 page 41
- Trolley Coach Operation Begins in Toronto - July 1947 page 396
- The "All-electric" P.C.C. Cars for Toronto - March 1948 page 141
- More street cars for Toronto - June 1948 page ?
- Trolley Coach Operation Experience in Toronto - December 1948 page 669
- The Toronto Transportation Commission - June 1949 page 311
- New P.C.C. Cars in Toronto - May 1951 page 261
- Toronto Bids Farewell to Wooden Street Cars - May 1951 page 265
- Rapid Transit Cars for Toronto - March 1952 page 139
- Rapid Transit Service Nears in Toronto - December 1953 page 705
- Toronto Transit Commission Equipment Handbook
- Various issues of the ERA HEADLIGHTS
- April 1966 Vol. 28 No. 4 - full issue devoted to the Toronto Transit Commission
- Articles include: - Bloor-Danforth Opens
------------------------ The Peter Witts of Toronto (complete with roster)
------------------------ TTC Streetcar System Reshaped
------------------------ PCC Roster
------------------------ Greenwood Car Shop
------------------------ Bloor: End of an Era
- July-September 1997 Vol. 59 No. 7-9 - The Legacy of Peter Witt to the Street Railway Industry
- Toronto yesterday and tomorrow - North America's largest system - #102 August 1973
- Toronto in HO - #107 January 1974
- New LRV's for Toronto - #153 March 1978
Toronto, Ontario
- All About TTC's Track Rehabilitation Program 1921-1924 - UCRS Newsletter #308 September 1971 page 131
- Bulletin 26 - The Toronto Civic Railways Merged With Toronto Railway Co. to Form T.T.C. September 1, 1921;
- T.T.C. cars 2120-2126, 2128-2166 and 2168-2192
- Bulletin 24 - T.T.C. cars 2200-2214 and 2216-2264
- Bulletin 28 - T.T.C. cars 1170-1308
- Bulletin 30 - T.T.C. cars 4550-4574 and 4575-4601
- Bulletin 32 - T.T.C. cars 151-155
- Bulletin 40 - North Yonge Railways
- Bulletin 42 - T.T.C. trailer cars 2701-3029 (odd)
- Bulletin 44 - T.T.C. cars 409-416
- Bulletin 48 - T.T.C. cars 2580-2678
- Bulletin 51 - T.T.C. cars 211-213
- Bulletin 55 - T.T.C. trailer cars 2301-2419 (odd)
- Traction Special No. 2 - Sweeper and Snow Plow Routes
- The TTC P.C.C. Story - UCRS Newsletter #214 November 1963 - (complete issue)
- The Radial Railways of North Yonge Street - UCRS Newsletter #326 March-April 1973 - (20 pages)
NB: UCRS Bulletins consisted of a few b&w photos, diagram(s) with written text and varied from one double side printed sheet to several pages.
In addition to issuing periodic 'Bulletins', the Upper Canada Railway Society also produced their monthly 'Newsletter'. This first appeared in 1945 and contained news of railway and public transit, primarily in and around the Toronto and Southern Ontario area. Numerous issues included items pertaining to the Toronto Transportation Commission, and later, the Toronto Transit Commission. Early in 1973, it became a bi-monthly. Beginning with the January-February 1976 issue, the name was changed to 'Rail and Transit'. Copies of the 'Newsletter', and 'Rail and Transit', are on file at the Metro Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON, M4W 2G8.
- Canada's First Subway - The Toronto Rapid Transit Cars
- The BEPCO Journal Vol. 10 No. 4 published by Bepco Canada Ltd., Montreal, PQ
- The Sound of Streetcars - HRN Productions - 33 1/3 RPM Recording
- (This vinyl recording is available at the Halton County Radial Railway Museum, Milton, ON)
- Blizzard of '92 - Last of the Trolleys - (90 mins.) - Video Classics
- Last days of operation of Toronto's Flyer trolley coaches as well as footage taken on a Queen Street CLRV during the
- worst snowstorm of the year.
- Farewell to Toronto PCC's - (2 hrs.) - GPS Video Last week of PCC operation in Toronto.
- PCC Cars in Toronto - (60 mins.) - Neff Video Covers routes operating in 1974.
- Red Rocket Farewell - (90 mins.) - Video Classics Final week of PCC operation in Toronto.
- Ride a Canadian LRV and PCC on Toronto's Dundas & Harbourfront Lines - (75 mins.) - Carson Home Video
- Roncesvalles (1895-1995) 100th Anniversary - (62 mins.) - GPS Video
- The Bloor - Danforth Line: From Streetcars to Subway - (60 mins.) - GPS Video
- The TTC Story - The First 75 Years - (2 hrs.) - GPS Video
- Toronto ETB's - 1991-1993 - (2 hr.) - GPS Video
- Features Toronto's Flyer and leased Edmonton GM / Brown Boveri trolley buses.
- Also includes footage of the Brill's and Marmon-Herrington's.
- Toronto's Lansdowne Carhouse - 1911-1996 - (60 mins.) - GPS Video
- Includes footage of lines operating from this division which closed in February 1996.
- Toronto Peter Witts - The Final Days - (70 mins.) - Video Classics
- Toronto's Yonge Line - Trailer Trains to Subway - (60 mins.) - GPS Video
- Trolleys of Eastern Canada - (50 mins.) - Sunday River Productions
- Includes footage of Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa streetcar operations.
All videos listed are VHS format. Some have also been released on DVD
Some of these video titles may be available at your local hobby shop, through the Halton County Radial Railway and at the museum gift shop, as well as the Seashore Trolley Museum - Kennebunkport, ME
The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) logo, at the top of this page, is copyright and owned by the Toronto Transit Commission. It is used on this page by written permission of the Toronto Transit Commission in a letter dated November 26, 1996. Use of the TTC logo must be granted approval by the TTC Marketing and Public Affairs Department, Sales and Information Section and therefore must not be copied off this page, reproduced, retransmitted, redistributed or otherwise used in any way.