Last rev. July 14, 2009 |
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- Adam Beck - James Sturgis - Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Don Mills ON, 1982, ISBN 0-88902-246-1
- Brantford: Grand River Crossing
- - Janet Kempster and Gary Muir - Windsor Publications (Canada) Ltd., Burlington ON, 1986,
- ==ISBN 0-897811844
- Canadian Car Builders Series
- - John M. Mills - Upper Canada Railway Society / Ontario Electric Railway Historical Assoc., Toronto ON
- ==This series consists of three seperate volumes:
- ====- No. 1: Ottawa Car Company
- ====- No. 2: Preston Car & Coach Co.
- ====- No. 3: Miscellaneous Builders
- Canadian Electric Street Railways and Interurban Lines
- - compiled by John M. Mills - Ontario Electric Railway Historical Assoc. / Upper Canada Railway Society,
- ==Scarborough ON, c.1970
- Canadian Pacific's Electric Lines (Grand River Railway and the Lake Erie & Northern Railway)
- - George Roth and William Clack - B.R.M.N.A., Calgary AB, 1987, ISBN 0-919487-21-1
- Electric Locomotive Rosters - edited by Robert J. Wayner - Wayner Publications, New York NY, 1965
- Ghost Railways of Ontario Volume 2
- - Ron Brown - Polar Bear Press, Toronto ON, 2000, ISBN 1-896757-14-6
- Interurban Electric Locomotives From Baldwin-Westinghouse
- - Joseph A. Strapac - Shade Tree Books, Bellflower CA, 2001, ISBN 0-930742-22-2
- Lines of Country: An Atlas of Railway and Waterway History in Canada<
- - Christopher Andreae - The Boston Mills Press, Erin ON, 1997, ISBN 1-55046-133-8
- On a Streak of Lightning: Electric Railways in Canada
- - J. Edward Martin - Studio E, Delta BC, 1994, ISBN 0-920716-03-2
- Streetcar Builders of Canada - Volume One
- - William Bailey and Douglas Parker, CRHA, Montreal QC, 2002, ISBN: 0-9730219-0-X
- - The Ontario Car and Foundry Company
- - The Preston Car & Coach Company
- - The Tillsonburg Electric Car Company
- The Intercity Electric Railway Industry in Canada
- - John F. Due - University of Toronto Press, Toronto ON, 1966
- The Ontario and Quebec Railway
- - Donald M. Wilson - Mika Publishing Co., Belleville ON, 1984, ISBN 0-919303-82-X
- Traction On The Grand - John Mills - Railfare Enterprises Limited, Montreal QC, 1977, ISBN 0-919130-27-5
- 50 Years Since the End of Canadian Pacific Electric Lines (CPEL) Passenger Service
- - Canadian Rail No. 509 November-December 2005 page 224.
- Buffalo Visits The Lake Erie & Northern - N.R.H.S Bulletin Third Quarter 1948 page 24.
- Cambridge Model Railroad Club's CPR Electric Lines
- - Railmodel Journal May 2005 page 45.
- Canadian Pacific Railways Electric Lines Circa June 1953 In HO Scale
- - Railmodel Journal May 2003 page 50.
- "Clang! Clang! Clang Goes The Trolley"
- - Canadian Pacific Staff Bulletin Number 112 June 1945 page 10 (in-house publication).
- Colorful Days of the Radials - Ontario Hydro News February 1966 page 1 (in-house publication).
- CPR Roads Modernize - The National Electric Railway News Digest 'Interurbans' July 1946.
- GRR 824, 826, 828 Wood Passenger Cars - Upper Canada Railway Society Bulletin 38.
- GRR/LE&N Steel Passenger Cars - Canadian Railway Modeller Train 11-Track 4 (March 2002) page 32
- - (Reprint of O SHO ME plan for these cars).
- Grand River Railway & Lake Erie & Northern Railway Improvements:
- - Central Electric Railfans' Association Trolley Sparks Vol. 2 #9-10 page 4.
- Grand River Valley Lines - Traction & Models March 1974 page 11.
- Heavy Losses Force Canadian Pacific Electric Lines To Discontinue Service
- - Electric Railroaders' Association 'Headlights' October 1955.
- Interurban Car Returns To Canada - Canadian Rail Passenger Review Number 3.
- (Story of the return to Canada of LE&N 797).
- Lake Erie & Northern - National Railway Bulletin Vol. 60, No. 5, 1995 page 26
- Four pages of photos with captions, map, and a passenger schedule from an unknown date.
- Last of the CP Electrics - Upper Canada Railway Society 'Newsletter' November 1961.
- Last Train to Waterloo "Farewell to the 'Grand" - Branchline July-August 1993 page 20.
- LE&N Wood Passenger & Combination Cars - Upper Canada Railway Society Bulletin 46.
- LE&N/GRR Steel Passenger and Express Cars - Upper Canada Railway Society Bulletin 57.
- North of Lake Erie - Trains October 1957 page 31 (2 pages - 3 photos with captions).
- Remembering Canadian Pacific's Trolley Era - Branchline Vol. 44 No. 6 June 2005 page 3
- Five page article with several excellent b&w and colour photos.
- Revisiting the Grand River Railway - Railroad Model Craftsman October 2000 page 50.
- Roger Chrysler's 11-1/2x42 Foot Canadian Pacific Electric Lines Pt. II
- - Railmodel Journal May 2005 page 37.
- Sir Adam Beck and the Hydro Radial Proposals
- - John F. Due - Upper Canada Railway Society - Bulletin 50, 1958.
- Take a Ride Over the Lake Erie & Northern - N.R.H.S Bulletin Second Quarter 1955 Vol. 20-#2 page 16.
- The Grand River Railway: a very modelable line - Railroad Model Craftsman February 1997 page 57.
- This layout is an effort by the Cambridge Model Railroad Club.
- The Grand Valley Railway - Canadian Rail No. 430 September-October 1992 page 174.
- The Lake Erie & Northern Railway - Traction Heritage Vol. 15 No. 3 page 37.
- The Stations and Railways of Brantford - Canadian Rail Passenger Review Number 3
- (article includes text, pictures and a floor plan of the Brantford LE&N station).
- Was it 106, 230, or 17? - A Baldwin Westinghouse Electric Freight Motor
- - Branchline Vol. 45 No. 2 February 2006 page 20, three page article with seven photos.
- Grand River Railway and Lake Erie & Northern Railway Roster
- - Railroad Magazine September 1953 page 40.
- CP Tracks - Commencing with Vol. 5 No. 4 (Spring 1998), a regular feature on the Canadian Pacific Electric Lines
was added. CP Tracks is a publication of the CP SIG.
- Tempo Jr. November 1994 - Forest City Railway Society (London, ON) monthly newsletter.
In addition to issuing periodic 'Bulletins', the Upper Canada Railway Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, also produced their monthly 'Newsletter'. This first appeared in 1945 and contained news of railway and public transit, primarily in and around the Toronto and Southern Ontario area. Numerous issues included items pertaining to the Grand River and Lake Erie & Northern Railways. Early in 1973, it became a bi-monthly. Beginning with the January-February 1976 issue, the name was changed to 'Rail and Transit'. Copies of the 'Newsletter', and 'Rail and Transit', are on file at the Metro Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON, M4W 2G8.
The Canadian Railroad Historical Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, published a newsletter that contained items pertaining to the Grand River and Lake Erie & Northern Railways. An index of articles, and issues they were in, can be found at C.R.H.A. Archives & collections.
- Inter-Urbans of Eastern Canada - Sunday River Productions (34 minutes) VHS / also on DVD
includes footage of electric freight operations on the Cornwall Street Railway, Grand River Railway,
Lake Erie & Northern Railway and Oshawa Railway, as well as freight and passenger operations on
the London & Port Stanley Railway and Niagara, St. Catharines & Toronto Railway.
- Southern Ontario Interurbans March 2002 - GPS Video (60 minutes) VHS
the first half of this video deals with the Grand River and Lake Erie & Northern Railways while the
London & Port Stanley Railway is featured in the second half.
- LE&N 335 (freight motor) at Halton County Radial Railway, Milton, Ontario, Canada
- LE&N 797 (combine) at Halton County Radial Railway, Milton, Ontario, Canada
- M-4 (rail bonder) at Halton County Radial Railway, Milton, Ontario, Canada
- M-6 (line truck) at Halton County Radial Railway, Milton, Ontario, Canada
- Modular modeling: The Grand River Rwy. - Railroad Model Craftsman February 1997 page 60
- The previously listed UCRS Bulletins 38, 46 & 57, include plans that can be used to build models of the various cars in the material of your choice.
- Several years ago, John English produced an HO white metal passenger coach. These are an excellent starting point for a model of the GRR/LE&N steel cars (except GRR 622 and 626).
- Grand River Car Shops (Roger Chrysler), Brantford, ON, at one time produced HO scale resin car sides and ends for GRR steel combine 626 and LE&N wood sheathed passenger cars. Kits for other cars, as well as freight motors, are planned.
- Decals are available for both the Grand River or Lake Erie & Northern at $2.00 per set.
- In 2008, True Line Trains produced an HO scale Canadian Pacific wood caboose lettered Grand River Railway 10. Lettering on the model is over-sized and in-correct. I have a photo of a freshly painted #10 taken in 1945. It is lettered 'GRAND RIVER RY, all on one line (the Y is half height and underlined). The number 10 is below the name. I also have a photo of the opposite side which was taken in 1953. There is no line under the half height Y. The number remains below the road name.Correct sized decals for GRR and LE&N cabooses is available from Black Cat Publishing, 234 Lindenwood Dr. W., Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R3P 1X7, e-mail Set name: GR#7 Grand River & LE&N Caboose CPR electric lines caboose and contains lettering for one GRR, and one LE&N caboose.
- Passenger equipment, and electric freight motors, were painted CPR tuscan red with black roof and under-carriage. CP yellow/gold was used for the lettering as well as checkerboards, stripes, and the handrails on the freight motors.
- Paint - CPR Tuscan - Accupaint AP38
- - CN Lines SIG 100-22(same shade as discontinued Scalecoat 69).
- - CPR Diesel Yellow - Accupaint AP52
- - CN Lines SIG 100-23 (same shade as discontinued Scalecoat 67).