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Snow Plow
Snow Plow
Below are the photos taken while
constructing the Snow Plow
Wedge and Floor  DS&RG  side shot
Wedge and Floor  DS&RG  front shot
Plow Painted  DS&RG  side shot
Plow Painted  DS&RG  front shot
Below are some photos of the new plow
in action the week of Jan. 17-23  1999
All Links Are Underlined
Heavy Snow  DS&RG
Snow on Trestle #3  DS&RG
More Snow  DS&RG
Trestle #1  DS&RG
Head-on Shot  DS&RG
Drag it Home  DS&RG
New Snow  DS&RG
Rock Cut - Low Shot  DS&RG
More Snow  DS&RG
Trestle #2  DS&RG
Switching Yard