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Engine #12
Engine #12
A Bachmann 4-6-0 steam engine
I have bashed the engine and tender
#  1 :  I lowered the raised foot boards
#  2 :  Moved the air tanks to under the cab
#  3 :  Removed the cow-catcher
#  4 :  Replaced the pilot beam with a wood one
#  5 :  Made a new real wood load for tender
#  6 :  Installed RC and batteries in tender
#  7 :  Painted in DS&RG colors
#  8 :  Re-numbered
#  9 :  Added air piping from air pump to tanks
Before Photo of  #12
Photo above shows what #12 used to look like!
This is Ken Brunt's engine, on his GRS PA.
I fogot to take a photo of mine before I bashed it.
To save you loading time, I have made each photo a link
Use your own BACK button to return from each photo
After Photos
 Left side view  #1  #12
Headon view #2  #12
Left 3/4 view  #3  #12
Right 3/4 view  #4  #12
New wood load #5  #12
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13 March 2000