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Scratch Building
From The Shops Of The
Scratch Built
Rolling Stock, Buildings
and Structures
All the following items were built by me.
I have used plans from GR mag.
and any free plans I could gleen from the web.
As I just finished my Train/Hobby room, in the house, I can now
start to build on the first of many items that are needed
on the DS & RG. Which will make the railroad come alive!
This section will be under construction till I get the Railroad Done.
Be sure to come back and view anything new.
All Links Are Underlined
    First Photos of Rolling Stock  DS&RG
   Photos of Buildings  DS&RG
    Photos Of Trestles and Trains  DS&RG
Back To The Links  DS&RG
Switching Yard 
Garden Texture Building  PLANS
Updated 31 Aug. 1999