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Yard Crew Operations
Yard Operating Practices for the Prototype and on the "Scenic Line"

Yard Crew consists of 5/6 men:

  1. Foreman
    • Boss of the train in the yard.
    • Instructs which cars are to be picked up and where cars are to be dropped off.
    • Receives switch list order, instructions from the YardMaster.
  2. Engineer
    • Runs the locomotive, observing yard speed, limits, and signals.
    • Receives direction from the yard foreman.
  3. Fireman
    • Fuels the locomotive, assisting the engineer.
    • Receives direction from the Engineer.
    • Sometimes Engineer in training.
  4. Head Brakeman
    • Sets/releases brakes on forward cars.
    • Receives direction from the Engineer.
    • Would ride on the front of the switch engine pilot.
    • Handle any switch throws required at locomotive.
  5. Rear Brakeman
    • Sets/releases brakes on rear cars.
    • Receives direction from the Engineer.
    • Would ride on the caboose or end of train.
    • Handle any switch throws required at rear of train.
  6. Swingman/Switchman
    • Least senior/or lowest ranking job on crew.
    • Uncouples car from train where needed.

The Yardmaster would normally handle waybills and provide switchlists to the yard foreman of the crew. For small, well organized yards, the switch list may say Road Car # XXX + 3, indicating to pick up that specific car with the next three behind it. It may also indicate where to set out specific cars, set up a train, etc. Agents for various shippers would place orders with the Railroad, and would deal with shippers at the end destinations for cars for pick-up and delivery.

Modeling the Yard Crew Operations
In reality for a model railroad, all job functions are combined to basically one or two people. The main jobs are the the locomotive operator, and foreman to help sort waybills, throw switches and uncouple cars. Because of the chaotic nature and confusion of several operators moving rolling stock around, the random nature of rolling stock used for each operating session, waybills for each car must be available for the foreman (or a switchlist with all cars listed individually).

For Salida and Gunnison, the Yardmaster will run a switcher, assist the road the engineer as a ground foreman (If necessary) with switching. In Salida, a switcher will be required for westbound trains, but not necessarily eastbound.

The Salida and Gunnison Yardmasters are responsible for operating mainline switches and giving permission for time on the main to the yard crew doing the switching. The Yardmaster is responsible for all trains within Yard limits, and should adhere to all priority rules for trains entering the yard. In many cases, the road crew may be re-fueling their locomotive (normally handled by a hostler crew while they grab a bite to eat and a break or crew change). The Yardmaster will ensure that scheduled trains through the yard will have priority over freights and be aware of passenger schedules.

The Yard crew must not operate any mainline switches without permission from the Yardmaster and may only operate within specified time limits permitted by the Yardmaster. At the end of the allotted time period, the yard crew must be clear of the main and may request the Yardmaster for additional time if required.

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This page last modified 31 August 2007.