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Road Crew Operations
Road Operating Practices for the Prototype and on the "Scenic Line"

Road Crew consists of 5 men:

  1. Conductor
    • Boss of the train on the road.
    • Instructs the engineer on starting, stopping the train.
    • Rides in the caboose of freight trains, preparing papaerwork as needed.
    • Punches tickets on passenger trains.
  2. Engineer
    • Runs the locomotive, observing speeds, limits, and signals.
    • Receives direction from the conductor.
  3. Fireman
    • Fuels the locomotive, assisting the engineer.
    • Receives direction from the Engineer.
    • Sometimes Engineer in training.
  4. Head Brakeman
    • Sets/releases brakes on forward cars.
    • Receives direction from the Engineer.
    • Would ride in the doghouse of the locomotive.
    • Handle any switch throws required at locomotive.
  5. Rear Brakeman
    • Sets/releases brakes on rear cars.
    • Receives direction from the Engineer.
    • Would ride on the caboose.
    • Handle any switch throws required at rear of train.

Modeling the Road Crew Operations
In reality for a model railroad, all job functions are combined to basically one or two people. Practice has shown that one operator performs as locomotive engineer and one as conductor. In general, dividing functions as follows is somewhat beneficial:



The Engineer can concentrate on operating all the capabilites of the locomotive while the Conductor can keep track of where the train is going, watchful of the schedule and other Train Order requirements.

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This page last modified 31 August 2007.