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Delaware & Northern Railroad

Delaware & Northern Railroad
"Rails Rust in the Catskills"

The Delaware & Northern Railroad (D&N) was a 37-mile long pike that operated between two specks on the map, East Branch and Arkville, NY. Originally chartered as the Delaware & Eastern Railroad in 1904, it was envisioned to be a coal hauler between Pennsylvania and New England. But speculators and embezzlers prevented that from ever happening. The D&N only ever stretched between two little Catskill Mountain hamlets.

Never reaching the goals of its founders, the D&N operated on a shoestring budget and was in and out of receivership for years. But the railroad did prove to be a vital asset to the people of the valley, bringing kids to school, produce to market, milk to the creameries, and shipping mail from loved ones far away. The D&N was very much a beloved part of the East Branch Valley for many years.  

Finally only the needs of a thirsty New York City and the waters of the Pepacton Reservoir would spell the end of the D&N.

Presented here is a story of a great little short line, serving the many villages and hamlets of the valley, operating hand-me-down equipment, and running from year to year not knowing if it would make it. This is the story of the Delaware & Northern Railroad.

Have any questions, comments . . . something you�d like to contribute? Please contact me!

All the Best,
Richard J. �Richie� King

All Aboard!

Table of Contents

History of the Delaware & Northern

Route of the
Rails Along the East Branch

Locomotives & Equipment

Those Who Worked for the D&N

Stories from Along the East Branch

Suggested Reading


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