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Australia wigwags
Puffing Billy Railway

(A museum member describes these photos - more info pending)

The first has been in our Museum at Menzies Creek as a standalone display, but has been in a state of disrepair for some time.  The second, we are proposing to install at a Pedestrian Crossing at Lakeside, situated half way along our line, and is the primary destination for most of our passengers.

The installation has been a protracted affair, as we keep on getting distracted by installing Flashing Lights at "real" level crossings.  But as we have now finished installing Flashing Lights at all 14 of our major road crossings, we can now move on to the Wig Wag and other Signalling type work.

We have an Interlocked Track Realy, and hope to use it to operate the Wig Wag.  It's been a long time since the last one was widthdrawn from the "big railway".  We hope to commission it sometime this year.

Attached are a few photos, the first is a photo by David Langley at Korumburra, in Victoria, showing a train passing over a crossing with a Wig Wag.  The next shows the foot crossing where we will be installing our Wig Wag.  The following 4 show the partially re-assembled Wig Wag in our workshop.

Signals & Telegraph Branch.
Pufifng Billy Railway.

