Featured Photo
Delhi, Co
The last mainline wigwag in the US has been retired. The upper quadrant
Magnetic Flagman at Delhi, Colorado was removed on 3/9/21.
The new signal foundations were set in place in February,
so we knew the replacement was happening soon. Hopefully it will go to
the Colorado Railroad Museum, as rumored.
More info
on this signal here.
Photo by John Ryan
This site is totally dedicated to the vanishing "Wigwag
Flagman" signal. There aren't many left. Here you can find out where
they are still in service, both on revenue generating rails, as well
as museums. Pretty much all that remain were built by the Magnetic
Signal Company of Los Angeles. Some were built by Western Railroad
Supply Company (Magnetic Autoflag) as well as the cumbersome Union
Switch and Signal wigwag.
Currently there are over 75 pages full of photos, location information,
technical, and restoration content on this site. You may want to
bookmark this page because you probably won't get through it all in
one sitting. New stuff is added as often as possible. The purpose of
this site is very similar to that of Semaphores.com, to track down what
remains of these antiques that are still in service. I may expand to
other forms of early crossing signals, depending on what kind of information
I get in.
I am always looking for new information on wigwags and their locations. If you know of one still in service in your area, or even on display somewhere, please let me know . I'm also looking for any technical information that I can share on this site. Since May,
1999 |
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