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Washington State Wigwags
Washington State Wigwags...
From the Past


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Camron Settlemier snapped this shot of two ex-NP
lower quadrants in Granger on March 7, 1999. They
were removed sometime between then and September, 2000.

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Mitchell Myjak writes about this wigwag...

"Here are two pictures of the late wigwag in Kiona, Washington.  The
wigwag was located on Webber Canyon Road on the south side of the tracks, clearly visible from nearby I-82.  The mechanism read "Magnetic Flagman --Magnetic Signal Co. -- Los Angeles, CA".

The railroad line originated as the Northern Pacific mainline over Stampede Pass.  At the time of these photographs, April 1994, the Washington Central railroad owned the eastern portion of the line.  The western portion, inherited by Burlington Northern, lay unused.  In 1996, BNSF bought back the eastern portion and restored mainline service over the entire line. Unfortunately, the wigwag succumbed at this time.  It was replaced by a full set of flashers and gates, not to mention one of those vile electronic bells.  I remember that the line used to have many upper quadrant semaphores, but they were pulled out before BNSF took over.

The boy in the two photographs is yours truly."

-- Mitchell Myjak

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As a side note, I noticed something very different about this wigwag. If
you look carefully. you will see that the banner pipe is not attached to
the front of the motor box. For some (unknown) reason, it is instead
attached to the buffer pipe inside the motor box. If you have any idea
why this was done, please email me.


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