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SLERA surveys passengers on planned rail cuts





(New Haven - April 27, 1997): A survey of over 700 riders of the Shore Line East Commuter Railroad shows that riders would not take proposed commuter buses if their rail service was eliminated under the Rowland budget plan. And they’d sooner move their homes closer to their jobs than commute by bus.

"This data confirms what we’ve suspected since the beginning," says Jim Cameron of the MetroNorth / Shore Line East Rail Commuter Council, "Those people who enjoy getting to work by train do not find Governor Rowland’s proposed bus service a viable replacement."

This survey, conducted by the Shore Line East Riders Assoc. was the brainchild of commuter Brian Holzman. Over 700 surveys were passed out to riders in April and 500 were returned and tabulated. (Full details of the survey questions and results are available by contacting SLERA at the numbers below).

"We are heartened that the Rowland budget cuts have so far been rejected by the Budget Appropriations Committee and that the Governor’s anti-rail efforts have been rejected," said Cameron. "But we’re a long way from the June budget deadline and we take seriously Rowland’s threats of vetoing a budget which doesn’t include tax cuts."

"The Commuter Council is also disturbed by Governor Rowland’s latest target for fare increases to pay for a gasoline tax cut... bus fares. He seems determined to play a "reverse Robin Hood", taking from the poor and giving to the rich. It is ridiculous to suggest that bus riders... those who cannot afford to use a car... should be forced to pay higher fares so that drivers can save a few pennies a gallon at the gas pump," said Cameron.

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ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Shore Line East Riders Assoc.

Brian Holzman (212) 345-4285 Lee Carlson, Pres. (203) 772-0060

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