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Riders protest rail cuts





(Darien CT - Feb. 20, 1997): At its monthly meeting the Rail Commuter Council tackled the Governor’s proposed budget and its impact on train service in Connecticut. More than 50 people turned out at the Darien RR Station this evening, including local and State Rep’s from Wilton and Norwalk, to learn the details of the Governor’s plan to cut the Transportation Dept. budget. If approved as submitted, the Rowland plan would:

ý cut all train service on the Danbury & Waterbury branch lines and Shoreline East, replacing them with buses

ý raise all MetroNorth rail fares in Connecticut by an average of 4.5% this year and next

"This plan makes no sense whatsoever," said Jim Cameron, Vice Chairman on the Council. "It is madness to do anything that will reduce rail service and send commuters back into their cars. Can you imagine what two-lane Route 7 from Danbury will look like at rush hour? It will be filled with moving vans hired by people leaving the state, unwilling to put up with the insanity of their commute."

State representatives at the meeting said that a cut in the gas tax is essential. But Council Vice Chairman Cameron countered... "What drivers need to understand is where those tax dollars go. Why not put stickers on the gas pumps explaining that those taxes subsidize the trains and badly needed infrastructure? People will pay the tax if they better understand how essential that money really is."

A volunteer group of Metro-North commuters, the Commuter Rail Council was created by the CT Legislature to represent the interests of riders on Metro-North and Shore Line East. The Council operates with no budget. "We get zero dollars from anyone," said Cameron.

The next move by the Commuter Rail Council in fighting the Rowland rail cuts will be a leafleting campaign, especially on the branch lines. Commuters will be given a list of the Legislators on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation along with their 800 phone numbers and e-mail addresses and urged to contact them.

"Commuters must reach out NOW to have any impact," said Rail Commuter Council Chmn Rodney Chabot of New Canaan. "Next week may be too late. We urge riders of all Metro-North and Shoreline East trains to tell their elected representatives to SAVE OUR TRAINS!"

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